Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 Why he never troubled to publish his knowledge , I do not know , except that he was an aristocrat , and so perhaps considered it beneath him to publish .
2 Sick with longing for his wife , Diana , and worn out with the public issues of doctoring that had apparently lost her to him , he had agreed .
3 Yes , but I did it for him fo , I I 've already done it for him once , I picked up exactly what he wanted , I delivered it to him and now he 's changed his mind and but I 'm not in the business to supply things , I 'm not a supp shop !
4 Knowing Martin what John has just told me about him if I did n't know him I do n't think it would me anything !
5 He had never done that before to anyone , had always found it beyond him .
6 He told her things she had not known about him — good things , acts of generosity — it came out that it was he who had got Simon on to my pictures , the Douanier and the Gris ; he had practically given them to him .
7 Dear Father , It is a great pleasure to write to my father as my mother has often told me about him , and I hope to be allowed to get to know him better …
8 He did n't remember being given that form ; they had probably not even given it to him in the first place .
9 She would n't enjoy sex with another man when she had never enjoyed it with him .
10 Fabia was still staring witlessly at the door after he had quietly closed it behind him .
11 I 've never held it against him , but I 've always wondered why .
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