Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was argued that ERDF resources did not in fact represent truly additional aid for problem regions if such aid merely replaced expenditure that national governments would otherwise have incurred themselves .
2 It is a generally held perception that formal assessment has hindered and distorted work in the secondary classroom through laying too much emphasis on what is easily examinable , regardless of its relevance as musical experience .
3 Delegates also expressed concern that western companies would try to take advantage of lax legislation in East European countries and the weakness of local enforcement agencies to use or sell environmentally damaging technologies which are banned in Western Europe and North America .
4 On behalf of this group I would like to present to the Council a petition containing in excess of two thousand signatures from people throughout the metropolitan district who object to the originally reported suggestion that Metropolitan Council are proposing to make byelaws requiring that all dogs should be kept on leads at all times in all public places .
5 The exorcising of guilt and envy at a distance — as between people and peoples , who have no knowledge of one another — is a recognisable method of evading the problem posed by neighbour envy : hence the often observed fact that international and long-range do-gooders are commonly highly uncharitable at close quarters .
6 All foreign branches seem to have been closed for financial reasons in 1891–1892 , but Wilson , after the refloating of the union in 1894 , persisted in his international endeavours , establishing new branches in Hamburg , Rotterdam and Antwerp in the following year and an agency in New York , and accepting the logic of the shipowners ' often repeated argument that British claims to higher pay would be more convincing if foreign rates were brought up to British levels .
7 Public enterprises , because they are subject to political control , are at most only partially affected by the discipline of the market ; as manifested , for example , in the often quoted platitude that public enterprises do not go bankrupt ( e.g. NEDO 1976 : 42 ) .
8 The apes being taught are therefore without an evolutionarily conferred advantage that human children enjoy — that of employing learning techniques , and being initiated by their elders , in a way that has presumably been refined by selection pressures over a very long time .
9 This approach stems from a strongly held belief that voluntary action represents a major force for positive environmental change .
10 The British Library 's recent reports , Research Libraries in Transition and The Research Process , the most extensive surveys so far of the view of British academics , confirm the widely held opinion that academic research is being hampered by a decline in the quality of the collections in research libraries .
11 This development came about in response to an increase in the number of child abuse cases being uncovered and the sensitivity of the issues involved , combined with a widely held view that social workers were ill-prepared to deal with complex cases of this kind .
12 While no one would deny the existence of horrendous acts of violence and criminality in earlier times , it is a widely held belief that western , advanced societies are becoming more and more criminal .
13 Criticism of the education service for failing to meet the needs of an advanced industrial economy is undoubtedly linked with a widely held belief that educational standards , generally , are in decline .
14 This happens because alienistic attitudes towards deaf people by ‘ professionals ’ hinge upon the commonly held view that deaf people are not capable of contributing to professional life because of their ‘ limited experience ’ .
15 This assumption was necessary for the commonly held view that complex syntactic forms ( like negatives , passives and interrogatives ) might be constructed by applying transformational rules to simpler syntactic forms .
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