Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [vb pp] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 He found that some of his Pound negatives could only be printed effectively with platinum paper , which has a very long tonal range .
2 This was not merely to avoid high costs on difficult engineering problems , but to link as many villages as convenient with a system of transport , something that could only be done previously with wagons or packhorses .
3 A major constraint upon the straightforward re-use of a windmill as a dwelling is imposed by its circular or polygonal plan which tends to conflict with conventional cubical furniture and may only be reconciled satisfactorily with purpose-made , built-in fitting ( Plate 40 ) .
4 The unit can only be used successfully with low level inputs , such as microphones and low output guitar pick-ups if it is preceded by a suitable preamplifier .
5 Daylight colour film ( around 5500 K colour temperature ) can only be used directly with daylight and a substage mirror .
6 THE GOVERNMENT 'S involvement in undermining attempts to freeze carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2000 ( Guardian , November 8 ) should perhaps be viewed together with the Department of Transport 's recently announced road-building programme , and projections that UK road traffic will increase by about 43 per cent over the next 20-30 years .
7 Out-door paupers should no longer be sent away with a sum of money obviously too little for survival .
8 The frames tend to suffer badly from condensation , they can generally be fitted only with very slim sealed units , and some can not be double-glazed at all .
9 This should normally be done jointly with the acquiror .
10 The probe map can easily be edited manually with a text editor to modifiy the positions of misplaced probes using additional information ( e.g. genetic map ) .
11 Under the floor of the pillar crypts in the West Wing at Knossos were deposited the ashes of animal sacrifices : the pillars above were incised repeatedly with the sacred double-axe symbol .
12 So we are always drawn back to our experience as somehow being involved intimately with what we may thing is an objective experience .
13 Traditional grammar originated in Greece in the 5th century and has always been associated closely with philosophy and literary criticism .
14 Although these access paths can be changed at a later date , this can usually be achieved only with considerable difficulty .
15 Remember that a large pattern on a small floor will look overcrowded , and a simple plain floor increases the sense of spaciousness — pattern can always be added later with a rug .
16 Such a book could conceivably be returned openly with only a modest blush ; but another labelled ‘ Stolen from … ’ would necessitate a more surreptitious means of restoration to its owner .
17 Service stations have also been pruned drastically with numbers halved between 1969 and 1982 .
18 New contracts have also been won recently with tyre manufacturer Avon Tyres , which invested £1m in Promix , and Pan Britannica Industries Ltd , an agricultural and garden products manufacturer which is replacing its present custom ICL Plc-based system with Promix modules .
19 They have also been linked inconclusively with stomach cancer .
20 To a certain extent , this process may be seen as part of the more established technology known as OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) , but OCR has traditionally been associated exclusively with machine printed text rather than handwriting .
21 Directions as to how to use the aid should also be given together with a discussion of the circumstances in which its use is likely to be helpful .
22 Open market operations are made via the discount houses , but can also be conducted directly with the major clearing banks .
23 Left-over cold meat from a joint may also be added together with any vegetables that are to hand when you add the salame .
24 The squares of cable patterns can also be used attractively with squares of plain stocking stitch placed alternately .
25 But this one wo n't be around for hundreds of years … in fact , it 'll probably be washed away with the first rainstorm .
26 I believe that both fagging and beating by the Library have now been done away with .
27 The 1990 Annual report has now been published together with the poster supplement which contains details of all projects in all programmes supported under JFIT .
28 In public rhetoric small companies have often been lumped together with the large internationals and the same expectations have been imposed .
29 Teesside Park — specialist retail outlets at the old Stockton racecourse , now being developed together with the UK 's largest leisure centre .
30 However , when teacher appraisal is a firm part of educational reform , it would make better sense if certain aspects of management in initial teacher education could consciously be brought together with the assessment of teacher capacity .
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