Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 I am naturally particularly interested in the Carmel Wood IDO claim , which I presume has been registered but my interest goes beyond this to encompass all the claims that have been made in Wales , which presumably are now subject to the same procedures being applied by your authority .
2 The structure of universities in Germany , France , Britain and the USA was very different , but everywhere they were by the end of the century centres of scientific research , while at the beginning of it they had mostly been very marginal to it .
3 Johnston and Pattie ( 1988 ) claim that people no longer vote so much according to their class , or social , position , but rather are increasingly referrent to their spatial location .
4 Modern archaeology is much more scientific and it 's , it tends to excavate entire layers , layer , by layer and every little thing is relevant , you know , they , the little pot shard , erm , even bits of excrement , apparently are very interesting to archaeologists , because they 're sure people were eating , and things like this , er , you know , remnants of fire was charcoal , everything .
5 If that really is the way the authorities are now thinking — and ‘ readers ’ letters ' have long been notoriously close to official thinking in East Germany — then the government could find it is courting unprecedented disaster .
6 ‘ You have all been so nice to me , I wanted to do something nice for you .
7 There is provision for Member States to pay at a level above the stated maximum in order ‘ to improve or maintain the natural landscape ’ but such increased payments will not be eligible for EEC refund so are very unlikely to be implemented .
8 In Britain , the government has yet to place its safer-sex advertising aimed at ‘ men who have sex with men ’ in non-gay publications , thus by-passing those men who do not identify as gay and so are least likely to be well-informed because of their minimal contact with the gay scene .
9 The two rods I piece together are rather special to me .
10 ALTHOUGH any couple can try , people who live together are more likely to be familiar with each other 's body odour .
11 The Institute of Psychiatry at the Royal Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals in London reports that men who live alone are more prone to alcoholism or social phobias ( such as fear of meeting people ) .
12 However , some flights will naturally be more likely to be accessed than others .
13 The basic success of the policy however has tended to draw into its influence many who initially chose not to participate , since it would obviously be professionally unsound to be seen to be consciously not taking part .
14 An in that case , now certain can the IRB be that admission to those World Cup matches will not only be freely available to , but will be as readily affordable , by the majority of South Africans , and not necessarily only the privileged few ?
15 If this were the case then a junction would only be more likely to be recalled if the subject had actually felt at risk even if they knew it to be a generally dangerous junction .
16 Indeed he was probably uncertain himself as to what the end-point would be , except that it was bound to be a less rigid and less bipolar system than the old one ; and he assumed that a more flexible multipolar system would not only be more advantageous to France but would be safer and more equitable for all states .
17 Therefore , the ingredients listed in this book may not necessarily be exactly identical to the product served in particular restaurants .
18 A person writing a computer program , or a company manufacturing computer equipment will not necessarily be potentially liable to the world at large in negligence ; they will be liable , however , to those whom they could contemplate being adversely affected by any negligent act or omission of theirs .
19 A particularly welcome aspect of the present disc is that Sarah Cunningham presents us with a survey spanning the entire period of the repertoire — as such it will perhaps be more welcome to the non-specialist than the Savall discs .
20 It is important to bear in mind that HWIM and HARPY used only acoustic probability scores and so were particularly susceptible to the effects of homophonic word strings .
21 ( 1988 ) found that few married people applied for residential care and those who did so were less likely to be admitted than applicants who were single or widowed .
22 For example Bergmann et al , 1978 found that 38 per cent of a sample of 83 patients with organic mental disorder referred to a day hospital assessment unit lived alone ; and the authors concluded , after following up the sample for 12 months , that those who lived alone were least likely to be maintained at home for that period of time even with substantial support from social services , and recommended that resources should be concentrated on those who lived with their families .
23 That maintenance was continued so long is probably due to the fact that Gordon Thomas , its instigator , had by this time become General Manager of the Grand Junction Company , and it is understandable that he would have been reluctant to preside over the disintegration of the lift , his most original and spectacular achievement .
24 only the novel is younger than writing and the book : it alone is organically receptive to new forms of mute reception , that is , to reading …
25 She got a very nice reference from the surgeon she had been with and so is most grateful to me for organising it .
26 But these new developments in AI should give pause to those philosophers who complain that AI can have nothing to say about bodily skills , and so is questionably relevant to human and animal forms of life .
27 National income is the value of the actual amount produced and so is necessarily equal to the national product and expenditure .
28 Heart [ leb ] here signifies the seat of thought , not emotion , so is more akin to ‘ mind ’ ; hence , to labour the analogy somewhat , law is written into identity and consciousness rather than heart in the modern sense .
29 This takes place mainly up in the forest canopy , and so is almost impossible to film from the ground .
30 He dismounted from his horse and embraced the leper even though the thought of doing so was so repulsive to him .
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