Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [pers pn] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not only are you more familiar with the exercises , but your body is able to achieve the postures in a more relaxed manner , thereby increasing their effectiveness .
2 So you so is it more fun finding out how
3 I can imagine it would be , because perhaps , erm , the higher you are , not only is it more easy to fall , but it 's more easy to be tempted .
4 Not only is it more convenient to pick up the ‘ phone and make contact , you are also more likely to succeed since few people are able to ignore the telephone and leave it unanswered .
5 Not only was it more convenient for his financial deals in international negotiations to be done there , but he needed more dancers .
6 Nowhere are they more telling than in Ashton 's Enigma Variations where they explain the sympathy felt by Jaeger ( the critic ) for Elgar and his Wife or in A Month in the Country where Ashton communicates the growing feelings of love and frustration of the participants .
7 But nowhere were they more pronounced , and rather than fading as the economy developed they appear to have been becoming deeper in the immediate pre-war years .
8 There is splitting in all parties , and nowhere is it more marked than in the Labour Party ( Hear , hear ) .
9 Bargaining occurs in all political systems , but nowhere is it more prevalent than in the United States — ‘ The necessity for constant bargaining is … built into the very structure of American government . ’
10 Never was it more obvious just what an unlikely figure Morrissey cut as a pop star .
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