Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What is more it had long been accepted that only the pope could perform this .
2 And where does that leave us historians , who are not only being told that only blacks and whites , or Basques , or Croats , can properly understand the history of these respective groups , but to invent the sort of history that they want to ‘ understand ’ ?
3 It has thus been shown that both practice and ‘ maturation ’ influence the accuracy of pecking in chicks .
4 It has already been noted that as far as contracts of supply are concerned , required formalities are the exception .
5 It can thus be seen that both in this chapter and in the closely related one on adult education which follows , the Report addresses English professors and teaching staff not so much as professionals but as responsible public figures ; as socially concerned part-time and even voluntary preachers functioning to disseminate a national culture .
6 But it can hardly be argued that either carbonate or coal measure deposition is going on around the world today in anything like the way it has in the past .
7 With industry agreements there is a wider separation of the centres of decision-making as well as more overlap in the determination of pay since it has traditionally been understood that nationally negotiated terms in some industries were minima which could be improved upon at enterprise level .
8 It must also be presumed that gradually over the years some kind of folklore will develop , a collective consensus about how to apply the criteria to the actual written work to be examined , whether as course-work or examination scripts .
9 ( It must also be said that only about one in ten of the adult population in Britain in teetotal and it could be that at least some people in this group are unwell , rather than the other way round . )
10 It should also be noted that loose feeding by hand or throwing device almost always involves a certain degree of ‘ spread ’ .
11 It will also be recollected that so many qualifications have been placed upon the decision in The Wagon Mound ( No. 1 ) that the concept of foreseeability is now applied in a very broad and liberal manner and there is unlikely to be much practical difference between an inquiry whether a consequence is foreseeable or natural .
12 That would effectively require another audit to establish the position , because the Vendor would effectively be warranting that even in the light of events which have occurred prior to the Balance Sheet Data but which have come to light up to completion the Accounts still give a true and fair view of the Business 's financial position .
13 It has now been recognised that often the company , and indeed the regulatory authorities and the public , may need to be able to find out who the beneficial owners are and other sections , dealt with later , seek to enable them to find out .
14 It has often been claimed that especially in large , newer urban estates , residents have little ability to control their personal environment , the state of repair of their flat or its surroundings ( Power 1988 ) .
15 Perhaps it may now be accepted that so long as a historian is acting as a historian , his criteria must arise from his own study and must not be imported from some other autonomous field .
16 It could well be argued that both " Balak " and " Aram " in line A are more specific or precise than their counterparts in line B , " the king of Moab " and " the Eastern Hills " , because they use proper names for identification .
17 In fact it can well be argued that basically there are only two concepts — rocks and time — with the rest just an obfuscation of the nomenclature .
18 In practice the distinction is far from clearcut , but the object here was to emphasize that philosophically book selection and censorship are miles apart .
19 From this it can readily be seen that only 56 institutions are of the size advocated in ‘ Better Schools ’ and yet this 19% caters for nearly half the student population whilst 148 sixth forms ( 52% of the total ) each with less than .
20 They were uniform but occurred in such abundance and could so readily be transported that even when they were taken over as currency they could only serve as a rule for small change .
21 She 'd never been driven that fast before , never experienced the sheer exhilaration and heart-stopping fear that merged into one as the F40 powered on the knife edge of its optimum limits .
22 The suggestion has therefore been made that either the right hemisphere can process concrete words and/or that such words survive , better than abstract words , transmission across the corpus callosum from the right to the left hemisphere ( Lambert and Beaumont , 1981 ) .
23 [ The norm in England and Wales is three years to honours , and in Northern Ireland there is a mixture of three- and four-year courses ; although it has recently been claimed that as many as 40 per cent of all British university undergraduates are on courses lasting four or more years , in modern languages , medicine , engineering , architecture and some business subjects ( Institute of Physics 1988 ) . ]
24 In practice the question of the duration of the disability imposed by the springboard doctrine does not frequently arise because most cases concerning confidential information do not come to trial following the grant of an interlocutory injunction and it can therefore be assumed that either the parties settle the action or that interlocutory judgment is treated as final .
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