Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They carted Gary 's great-grandad off and he did n't last long once he was in there .
2 Alexei came forward so that he was at Rostov 's shoulder .
3 Besides , the last thing she wanted was to come face to face with Rune again , especially if he was in the arms of a reconciled Lotta !
4 He seemed different , perhaps because he was in his own home , his castle ( and it was almost a castle ) .
5 The victims were John Dale , ‘ the object of dislike and hatred apparently because he was in the habit of ripping people off in drugs deals ’ , and police informant David Norris .
6 Brinson could cope with the work only because he was at the Foundation , where people could see him , which had concerns close to those of the CNAA , and which allowed him time to take part .
7 Among the papers sent to me by Mr Beltrami were letters from Meehan , written to him almost daily when he was on remand in Barlinnie Prison , Glasgow , awaiting trial .
8 So long as he was in the limelight , he could n't be attacked or abducted .
9 She had reached a zenith of feeling , and really did n't care which hole he was shafting so long as he was inside her .
10 Only when he was at last on his way , did he realise that he wanted a woman .
11 He would be even more so when he was over the spotty stage .
12 So when he was in Birmingham he bought me this house , which was going cheap , so that I could start a money-lending business here for him .
13 Even Rudi sang better when he was with you ! ’
14 I had to know exactly where he was in the room .
15 Yuan opened his eyes , emerged from the lotus , and then seemed to stretch effortlessly until he was in contact with the nearest bulkhead .
16 Dropping the cigarette he grabbed Tommy 's scarf , forcing him backwards until he was against one of the huge machines .
17 Jess glared at him , backing away until he was in the open .
18 That morning they parted under the trees , he never took her all the way to the gates , that would only have made things worse , that morning she looked the way she always looked , rings under her eyes and her whole body braced for the ordeal that lay ahead , how hard it was to leave her always , maybe that was why they always drew the parting out , sometimes it took minutes , just the saying goodbye , they backed away from each other , then stopped and called something out , then backed away again , they called out special words that they 'd made up , words to fill the distance between them , words for the things they could n't say , they backed away till he was under the trees or she was through the gates , whichever happened first , she looked the same way she always looked that morning , except for one thing , she had a clock tucked under her arm , the clock they 'd found together , the clock that did n't tick , the lonely clock .
19 Servants filled two removal vans with his possessions from Kensington Palace to take to Clarence House three miles away while he was on an official visit to Wales .
20 He is perching on the railway , six stops down the line , with a stationmaster he got to know somehow when he was on the town in Petersburg — the Dostoevsky no-home at its most stripped and strange in this novel of aimless movement .
21 He did always want to get away when he was with Gina .
22 Gazza will be in the squad to face Norway , but Taylor goes on : ‘ I would like him to be involved , just as he was in Spain . ’
23 ‘ I 'm naming the squad for the game against Norway on Thursday and , as I 've already indicated , he will be included just as he was in Spain early this month .
24 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
25 When the king had died peacefully in bed in 1968 he had been left exactly as he was for the first six months to make sure he was n't simply astral-travelling .
26 I 'm in touch with someone who should be able to tell me exactly when he was at the Institute — and when he was n't . ’
27 As soon as he was of age he took himself off to London to work as a merchant 's clerk .
28 The man hurried on , throwing the leaflet in a waste-paper bin as soon as he was around the corner by the newspaper stand .
29 need to re-look at how we Because he 's mentioned straight away , as soon as he was in the mire
30 As soon as he was inside the garden he saw the couple hitting each other with chairs ; ‘ The woman hit harder and had the upper hand ’ .
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