Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] that he be " in BNC.

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1 A letter card came from France , but it told them little except that he was well and a letter followed .
2 Marcus sat carefully on the bunk , feeling that the walls were a long way away and that he was very small .
3 It felt as though the tree he was sitting in and the green leaves all around him belonged to another world altogether and that he was a trespasser who had no right to be where he was .
4 He said he was not treated badly and that he was with other political prisoners .
5 Streat asked MacArthur for his views on trade with China to which the general replied that an increase in trade between Japan and mainland China would not occur immediately but that he was convinced that this could occur within the next four or five years .
6 At the beginning , I read a moral stance into the therapist 's answers , until I realized it was n't really there and that he was actually playing the role of my alter ego — sometimes being the ‘ right ’ and ‘ good ’ side of me .
7 ‘ He said he was going softly and that he was much hampered by having Trueman replaced by the Commander . ’
8 Jones responded by reminding everyone that the DOE had been funding his work for nearly three years already , that he had positive results ready to publish , that the DOE funding agent had encouraged him to go ahead and that he was due to speak about them at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore during 1–4 May .
9 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
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