Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The resultant pseudo-scientific arguments will then concern themselves with the meaningless question as to whether the fauna of the intervening strata pertain more to the stage below or to the stage above .
2 His largest fault , perhaps , and one natural to a good hater , was a congenital inability to accept that mortal creatures hold incompatible views and behave in ways incompatible with their views , so that to the end of his days he declined to accept any difference between holding a speculative opinion that is evil and being bad .
3 The first evidence that this was on its way was noticed towards the end of March , when a patch of snow just below and to the south of the Main Crater began to melt , and simultaneously , activity in the North-East Crater began to die down .
4 Below and to the left a light twinkled briefly , then was hidden .
5 It was in the large , dimly-lit room below and to the left of the ramp , one of those cheerless spaces which Victorian architects ( or their clients ) felt bound to utilise , as with the arches of urban railway viaducts which were originally blocked off to make cheap classrooms for council schools and are now occupied by small garages and furniture makers .
6 The function includes part of the competitive labour supply function , i.e. that segment of L s above and to the right of point B , but renders inoperative the remaining part , i.e. that segment of L s below and to the left of point B. Workers who are willing to work at less than the wage stipulated by trades unions ( w 1 in Figure 5.1 ) will be excluded from active participation in the labour market for as long as these powerful combinations maintain their stranglehold as monopoly suppliers of labour .
7 After this when you use Ctrl-K-B and Ctrl- K-K you will find that just the area below and to the right of the block 's start and above and to the left of the block 's end will be highlighted and pressing Ctrl-K-M will sum only numbers in this area .
8 BMC access officer Bill Wright has ascertained that the caves to be ( or not to be ? ) blown up lie below and to the side of the main embankments of Hodge .
9 Which involved going to evening classes and er then back to work and this involved nights regular , so it was a bit a bit of a dash , sleeping , evening class and then catching a bus which the first one , nine o'clock and to the colliery and starting .
10 The quest for international recognition , almost regardless as to the importance of the state bestowing it , took on an almost manic quality by the later 1980s .
11 The night of this murder was dark , not only as to the hour , but also the weather , for cloud was low , and there was a drizzling rain .
12 If the decision was only as to the construction of a statutory provision that would explain why the case has received little attention in later cases …
13 She felt her stroke was due to the fertility drugs she had taken before each pregnancy , rather than to the childbirth itself : for the fifth pregnancy she had received injections of the drugs for the first time .
14 It s Push approach to the head , rather than to the heart .
15 The denial of prejudice is strategic , but ‘ we thereby want to convey that the move is strategical only relative to the goal of ‘ making a good impression ’ , rather than to the goal of being ‘ sincere and honest ’ ( p. 127 ) .
16 In line with these more specific uses of the ‘ past ’ by specific groups , Goody 's claims for changes in perceptions of the past as a result of the development of literacy in classical Greece appear to refer specifically to scholars and intellectuals rather than to the society as a whole .
17 This is why the Campaign for Quality Television is calling for the money bid in the auction to go into programmes , rather than to the Treasury .
18 Mr Clinton will try to fudge the tax issue , arguing that most of the money will come from a wage-based premium , which will go straight to local health alliances rather than to the Treasury , and that much of the rest will come from ‘ sin taxes ’ — on alcohol and tobacco — which appeal to America 's Puritan conscience .
19 Their measure of their health status was related to what they could do , rather than to the presence of current disease or conditions .
20 This all reflects the important part that political organizations played in the Edwardian era , for when politicians needed means of communication and organization in a time of crisis it was to the parties rather than to the state that they turned for the machinery and the expertise ; it was not to be the same in 1939 , with consequent effects on the state of the local parties by 1945 .
21 Commenting on ( 167a ) and ( 167b ) , he observes that only oblige can be followed by a " resultative structure " , whereas make " supposes a concomitance between causation and the actualization of the effect being caused , which forces the latter to refer to the operation itself rather than to the state which results from it " .
22 Spanish hostility was obviously a handicap to it , but when the charter was declared void in 1624 it was mainly because the Company was bankrupt ; the Spanish objection was to the colony rather than to the Company , and the colony was allowed to survive .
23 ( c ) The most efficient delivery arrangement will be direct from the builders ' merchant or manufacturer to an individual site , rather than to the builder 's store .
24 There are signs in the USA of more aggressive , sharper music which is directed to the listener rather than to the worshipper .
25 This anaemia is usually related to the presence of a lesion in the gastrointestinal tract , rather than to the drug itself .
26 They recommended that the committee structure should be linked to the objectives of the local authority rather than to the provision of particular services .
27 Revenues from Crown lands went increasingly to the Chamber rather than to the Exchequer and money was stored in the Jewel House of the Household .
28 I felt Niki was trying to be as much an elder statesman as a driver and though to say he was perfunctory in his driving would be an exaggeration , it was clear that he was looking to the future , and the development of the new engine , rather than to the present .
29 I agree with my right hon. Friend the Member for Morley and Leeds , South ( Mr. Rees ) that , because of our world empire , we looked outwards , across the Atlantic , rather than to the mainland of Europe .
30 They felt entitled to , and duly received , the customary genuflections that were accorded to their rank , but they belonged to the local ‘ house ’ rather than to the village .
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