Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] it [is] too " in BNC.

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1 It will be objected perhaps that it is too late in the day to try to re-establish our crumbling values on ‘ Be aware ’ , since the True is already sinking into the gulf which has swallowed the Beautiful and the Good .
2 At the present time , as we have described , the problem with daytime sleep is believed to be only that it is too short .
3 An employer will have to write down the assessment as a record only if it is too complex to repeat when necessary .
4 well I did yeah , I did erm one the other for Christopher 's school , but I , I did n't realize there was too much erm syrup and stuff in it so erm to do it quick enough cos it 's too sticky , but you have to roll it out it 's all
5 The need for a database administrator is clearly recognised in the methodology , although the role is often filled late in the life of the project , perhaps when it is too late .
6 Now no running outside cos it 's too wet .
7 We 've got to go away before it 's too late . "
8 And just before it 's too dark and they have to be shut up .
9 For larger boats a life jacket like this one is fine , particularly if you are going further offshore but it 's too clumsy to wear in a small sail boat like the Topper and so we prefer the buoyancy aid like this one .
10 Now , hurry home before it is too late . "
11 A soft touch button and a series of small lights have replaced the conventional circular dial and pilot light , while the electronic thermostat indicates not only when the iron is cooler than required but also when it is too hot .
12 It must be understood that we can separate the operations data from maintenance data but it is impossible to separate the knowledge ( operations from maintenance ) mainly because it is too closely inter-related .
13 They said well er I thought perhaps he was away preaching , she says oh no they do n't want any of m our people used to go out a lot preaching , but they do n't want any of them now because it 's too deep for them
14 It 's got to stop , and stop now before it 's too late .
15 His message to all farmers of the world is crystal clear ; get off the chemical treadmill now before it is too late .
16 Fly up now before it is too late .
17 Well if it 's too tight you 'll have to send it back .
18 Well if it 's too much I 'm planning , I 'm getting tomorrow , you can just get a check over , just wanted his blood test .
19 She 's fond of him still , in her way , but they quarrelled all those years ago and it 's too late to mend it .
20 There is nothing like bad weather to reveal the shortcomings of a dwelling , particularly if it is too small .
21 You have the substance here but it 's too economic .
22 The family has probably always been a major source of violence — consider the wealth of folk stories and songs that deal with cruel sisters , feuding brothers , and infanticide — but now the violence may be more hidden , less open to immediate social control from the wider community , at least until it is too late .
23 Well you ca n't go in there if it 's too cold .
24 I was gon na put it in that there but it 's too bright so Do you get any potatoes ?
25 Mm , I could n't buy it from there because it 's too much expensive
26 Sometimes the answer is hidden , either because it is too obvious for us to recognise or too complex to unravel .
27 kids might have to be uprooted all over again because it 's too far from her
28 It tells of a butcher returning home empty-handed from a market , and looking for lodgings in a village that lies on his route homewards as it is too late at night for him to reach home .
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