Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] a very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , although margins are good , system prices are much reduced , so that a very low cost base is needed before profits begin to show .
2 All of these problems were more or less overcome by ingenious chemical manipulation , so that a very wide range of semi-synthetic penicillins have become available .
3 Redshanks bathed splashily and a very smart dunlin stood on guard .
4 Some sources have a subtle rather than a very strong and obvious bias .
5 In fairness , more than a very few did stand up to the committee in spite of the danger to their swimming pools and their popularity .
6 For I do not think it possible to study philosophy profitably without entering fairly deeply into the history of the subject , and for this there is not time at school , nor could it be a subject that would interest more than a very few pupils .
7 These changes also reflect the increased ability of older people to financially maintain their own households after the children have left home and a very strong social desire by all age groups to be independent .
8 We believe there may be elasticity in a Government with a very narrow majority nationally and a very vulnerable position in Scotland . ’
9 He just wants a better one than they 've got now but a very basic
10 I mean I would n't ever think it a good idea to encourage women to leave the home if they thought that their job was in there looking after small children , but it 's very obvious nowadays that a very large number of women do n't want to in the home any more .
11 Now it 's my very great pleasure to I think probably introduce the youngest member of our audience here today and a very good supporter of Save The Children erm I am sitting down soon beside Elise who 's travelled all the way from Norwich .
12 Most workers find that four to six sets of analyses can be dealt with even if a very detailed withdrawal pattern is required .
13 Amongst many outstanding numbers was a tribute to Bobby Timmons based on Dis Here and a very bouncy Summertime .
14 Sorting and tidying up is , of course , a valuable mathematical experience as well as a very necessary part of the activity .
15 Mr Kinnock has such a nice manner , as well as a very pleasant voice .
16 He had his own sense of drama , John le Grant , as well as a very good memory .
17 He was a very confused as well as a very angry man as he pushed open the doors of Briant 's unit , and hurried down the corridor toward the office .
18 By the beginning of the seventeenth century it was the greatest commercial and financial power in Europe , as well as a very significant military one .
19 Lord Reid 's statement is , I think , worthy of particular weight since he was a parliamentarian of great experience as well as a very distinguished judicial member of your Lordships ' House .
20 Some teachers showed a comprehensive awareness of the balance of different lessons and their place in the curriculum as a whole , as well as a very clear concern with progression , continuity , the acquisition of underlying skills and the achievement of goals .
21 Holidays with her were thus a very full as well as a very rewarding experience .
22 Because Mr Major is indeed an exceptionally nice man , as well as a very able one , few even among his political foes could grudge him and his wife Norma heartfelt congratulations on a great personal victory .
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