Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The slick programmes and vast fees may have contributed less than is apparent to those outside government , who can not see how policy conclusions are actually reached .
2 However , having heard argument , I am satisfied that the order of Saville J. was provisional only and was subject to any further order that might be made on further material being placed before the court .
3 You could n't afford to have drivers sitting around for ten minutes not doing anything , so you married these routes up together and were able to , by manipulation , get them to a more economical run .
4 Let us live near together and be kind to each other and love each other .
5 Thus the firm in economic theory behaved identically and was subject to the same constraints whether it took the form of an individual proprietorship , a partnership or a company .
6 This group pressure for conformity may often override values imposed from outside : for example , the child may refuse to ‘ tell tales on his or her friends ’ despite demands from the teacher , or soldiers may infringe Queen 's Regulations rather than be disloyal to their comrades in the platoon .
7 Writing in 1946 , Knights , an editor of Scrutiny in the 19305 , is anxious that English should not avoid " controversial questions " in the name of " disinterested knowledge " , The discipline should attempt to provide an education which produces men and women who are not afraid to ask awkward questions , particularly when it comes to matters relating to the " quality of living " , rather than being content to simply fit people into " the machinery of society as it exists at present .
8 This love for their land is refreshing — they consistently enthuse about their country rather than being swift to bad-mouth it — and it is also reflected in their desire to protect large areas from exploitation .
9 It seems likely that the sensation of falling is the outcome of cortical interpretation of the production of this innate response , rather than being intrinsic to its generation .
10 More revisionist radical elite theorists have an alternative concept , ‘ technocracy ’ , to describe administrative elites who operate primarily in their own interests , or according to their own professional norms , rather than being beholden to outside elites .
11 For metal objects , as we have seen in Chapter 5 , the bulk composition was very much under the control of the metalsmith rather than being unique to origin .
12 Do n't use facial scrubs on spotty areas or if your skin is sensitive ( ie it flushes easily and is prone to broken veins ) .
13 Does she know that you 've been unfaithful to her once already and are willing to be again — except that this time I 'm not co-operating ?
14 And it did quite , but bad Lydia did n't know because she had made up her mind already and was blind to the simpler aspects of reality .
15 Doreen Horridge , the DoH nursing officer who is responsible for the implementation of nurse prescribing , said the nurses ' formulary would be published shortly but was subject to consultation under the Medicines Act 1968 .
16 Perhaps what we believe today is no better than the Sunday-school notions we were forced to discard yesterday and is different to us only because we are believing it today ?
17 Sometimes this involves heavy conflict , and he may ever after be sensitive to the threat posed by powerful women who try to dominate him .
18 The first satisfaction of indeterminist claims , including those , like the present one , which are not within but are antecedent to the traditional area of dispute about Free Will , is of course that they leave , or promise to leave , room for a reassuring or enhancing view of ourselves and our situation .
19 Three things stand out clearly that are relevant to the present discussion .
20 The meeting begins at 8pm and is open to all residents in the area .
21 Clearly the Trust must act boldly and be willing to fell over-age trees .
22 I was led thither by the fiscal , who knows them well and is kind to them .
23 Locally-trained Mauir Joyful ( 8.48 ) was impressive over the shorter course a week ago and is unlikely to be troubled in getting the extra distance .
24 The company decided that any new location had to be within reasonable travelling distance from motorway and railway networks as well as be close to an international airport .
25 At any point in this curve , both torsion and curvature , as well as being proportional to one another , are inversely proportional to the length of the arc from the apex to that point .
26 We regret the use of the word genocide in the motion since it is quite out of proportion erm as well as being offensive to many .
27 The most active elements of the intelligentsia are won over by personal privileges to the prevailing ideology as well as being subject to the prevalent intellectual control while the peasants are tied to the land by economic hardship imposed through short-term , small-unit landholding contracts ( such as sharecropping ) , which discourage capital investment .
28 Hugging , touching and kissing , as well as being close to people , presents no risk of infection .
29 As well as being close to so much North European prosperity , Brussels offers the boon of a 6% rate of VAT on objects sold at auction as against the crippling 18.6% imposed on all but ‘ original works of art ’ in Paris .
30 Barracks Lane is conveniently located for pleasant walks across open fields as well as being close to the Cowley Road with its full range of local shopping , medical and recreational facilities .
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