Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the people who went to Virginia or the West Indies were clearly looking for an opportunity to do better than they could in England , and if they made fortunes they would probably go back to England to enjoy their wealth , but the Massachusetts Bay Company was more concerned with escape from England or with the creation of a society that improved on its better aspects and rejected the worse .
2 If today we can see better than we could at the time the agonized grandeur of the figure of Pope Paul , the one almost ‘ liberal ’ pope of modern times , we can also see how deeply uncertain was the Church he left behind him and — after twelve years — we begin too to be able to assess in its very different character the pontificate of John Paul II .
3 I agree with the hon. Member for Carshalton and Wallington ( Mr. Forman ) that by far the most useful thing that we could do in the short run would be to fund a payments union among the commonwealth of independent states so that they could at least have a currency in which to trade with one another .
4 In practice , you might , for instance : ( a ) Broaden your essay 's conclusions , so that they could in principle be applied to other books , or an author 's work as a whole .
5 The model agency office was in a tall old house in Clifton and Paula splashed out some of her savings on a taxi so that she could at least arrive in style .
6 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
7 I hated it , and Dr Kelleher got some of them taken down so that I could at least see the daylight .
8 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
9 He climbed a different shelf each day and hid for as long as he could behind piles of books , hoping to catch sight of what he called ‘ the Bookman' ’ .
10 I suggested as gently as I could to Jean-Claude that he give Chaillot a ring .
11 The brindle hounds , John Deverill 's speciality and obsession , stood well to order at one side of the drive with the whippers-in waiting as patiently as they could for the order to move off .
12 We only brought you and the boy as swiftly as we could to Andernesse . ’
13 He made as swiftly as he could for the foyer .
14 Alyssia gazed at him for a fraction of a second , then she took his advice and walked back to the house , when what she wanted to do was run as far away as she could from it .
15 A high skin means oil can not flow as easily as it could from an undamaged well .
16 It was probably whilst flying high over an approaching enemy that one Goblin got a bit carried away , and steering himself as best as he could with his crude wings , crashed right down onto the enemy army .
17 He had groomed himself as best as he could for the interview .
18 The gaoler was appointed , made his living as best as he could from bribes , favours , anxious relatives and profits from the already meagre food allocation — and was allowed to get on with it .
19 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
20 Once they had been admitted , every volunteer behaved within the mental hospital as normally as they could in the circumstances , and said no more about hearing voices .
21 And I walked as normally as I could into the playground , my private pain overcome for fear of discovery .
22 We held hands all the way through Live Aid , having not spoken to each other for a week , and then rushed off to the Post Office as soon as we could with our three pounds .
23 He escaped as soon as he could to the company of her brothers .
24 She panicked for a moment , and then seeing the beam on his face , smiled as calmly as she could in response .
25 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
26 I said nothing , but turned away and walked as quickly as I could towards the stairs and down to the student canteen in the basement .
27 Charles turned to walk as quickly as he could down the steps and away without actually running , when a young woman appeared beside the butler .
28 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
29 The purpose was to prevent crowding of BES issues at the end of the tax year , but the ceiling limit meant that investors putting up the full 140,000 still made most of their investments as near as they could to 5th April .
30 Jack drove the car as near as he could towards the station building and switched off the faltering engine .
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