Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] be the " in BNC.

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1 But just so long as they take me somewhere where there 's the right kind of electricity …
2 Finding a partner can become more difficult the older people get , and retirement from work means one place less where there is the possibility of meeting someone new .
3 Of course , it does not follow necessarily that it is the cult that is responsible for the lower rate of suicide .
4 Below that there were the texts of very bad but sincere poems published in newspapers of the time by worker poets in honour of Stalin and Gottwald .
5 ‘ She did n't leave him because his star had fallen ; she knew well enough that he was the kind of man who 'd recover .
6 So what we can see for the activist nought to three is a very low preference so Irene has come out as a , a very low preference on that , four to six is a low preference so that 's seven to ten is the sort of average so that one 's the average , that one
7 To find the spatial expression of v we can substitute for in v , or we can use the relationship derived above ( Equation 2.10 ) ) : so that which is the velocity .
8 So that they 're the latest prices .
9 Even lime soaps can be dispersed and solubilized , so that there is the basis of a useful emergency treatment that can be applied when the normal supply of soft water is not available or where , for some reason , hard water has been run into a vessel and it is desired to counteract its effect in situ .
10 But you do n't walk far in Oloron without coming to one or other river ; both flow over weirs and both are well below street or house level so that there is the sound of water and a feeling of modest elevation everywhere , as well as regular riverside prospects from the various bridges as you cross from one part of town to the other .
11 He pulled the door shut himself , discreetly so that there was the minimum noise .
12 Never did he hasten his steps or hurry , no matter what the emergency , so that there was the additional fear that he would miss the train .
13 When Teacher came out and rang his bell for the children to line up in neat rows , she held Frankie back so that he was the last to obey the signal .
14 It 's got so that he was the same with Joan ,
15 But surely you 've built the band around you like that , so that you 're the only one who makes the decisions ?
16 It is best collapsed sideways so that it is the shape of one airfoil end .
17 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
18 The pre-printed patterns and the patterns in the electronic libraries are printed so that it is the marked squares that are required to select the tuck or slip stitches .
19 It is generally assumed that international forces have a great influence on the UK so that it is the international economy which determines the character of the crossroads now facing the UK .
20 When practising an utterance have the language helper say it last , so that it is the correct version you hear last .
21 ( d ) The reverse of the above , so that it is the children who are marooned on the alien planet , the teacher who is the alien offering them passage back to earth providing the children can explain the way of life on earth .
22 In drama there is rarely a single right answer , and it 's often more appropriate to phrase questions so that it is the teacher who does not know , the children who do the clarification :
23 Today , the forest is at a maximum , so that it is the drier forests that are today 's ‘ refugia ’ .
24 Now what 's happened the problem would be for your children , who are faced with erm building societies and banks who are red hot to sell endowments because of the better commission value to the company , and the , the endowments to make them competitive have actually been structured so that it 's the minimum premium , the minimum possible premium .
25 I 'm quite keen to make a distinction between what you might call victimless crimes and crimes with victims , and that it is , it seems to me , we want to move away from an older pattern in which the university had its ideas of how people should behave and tried to make them conform to those ideas , towards a much more complaint activated system of response , so that it 's the kind of behaviour find objectionable that the authorities may get drawn into looking at .
26 Conscious of a ripping sound , she heard her zip go , then her taffeta skirt was rustling to the floor and he was pulling her down among its glossy folds , his lips marauding over hers so that it was the way it was in the unrequited dreams of the empty nights when everything came down to the touch of him like the still centre of the entire world .
27 Only that he was the more likely of the two .
28 Okay , thanks very much so they 're the new cases .
29 which effectively determined this case in the courts below and it is the law as so stated which the appellant prosecutor now challenges as an unwarranted judicial gloss upon the statutory language , as opposed to a legitimate construction of it .
30 Later you can do the same thing when walking along or when sitting in a car ( but only if you are the passenger please — do n't try it while driving ! )
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