Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 His hold about her tightened so suddenly that she winced and cried out .
2 ‘ They have taken to all the noise and building work around them better than we hoped and we are looking forward to the arrival of six cow elephants and one bull in six weeks time . ’
3 I would n't say I enjoyed it , but it went much better than I expected and my audience were very appreciative .
4 After all , he knew Mr Parnham better than she did and he did n't look as if he could be fooled at all .
5 A breeze sprang up , playfully teasing the chestnut curls of her hair so that they fluttered and tumbled against the banner .
6 There were twin sliding doors in the end bulkheads , with a concealed chain over the top so that they opened and closed together .
7 I will love him , Lily , like this , ’ and Pen gave her a strangling hug so that she gasped and laughed and begged to be released .
8 He lived the part of a blind man so much so that he tripped and fell after leaving the set and damaged the cornea of his eye because he had trained himself not to blink !
9 Whitlock kicked out at the man , catching him on the leg so that he overbalanced and fell against the wall .
10 She twined her arms so tightly round his neck that he almost choked , pulling him down so that he overbalanced and fell on top of her .
11 Only that she died and that he loved her .
12 A youth in Union Jack shorts and nothing else whistled approvingly and they laughed and sauntered back to the car .
13 or his father , was inside and he got and he got his MP on the job
14 Perhaps , like the frightened creature she had imagined in the night — it was after all herself — ; it would always be so until she turned and truly faced the thing she feared ?
15 ‘ I ask myself every hour now if we might not have held him and still drawn off well enough if I had but kept a better watch on the road to Shrewsbury .
16 So if he survived and Mom died then — do n't you see ?
17 If this were ever done , then unless some other constituency took him on board in time for the general election , or perhaps unless he stood and won in his constituency as some kind of independent Labour candidate with at least PLP support , then , on the declaration of the result in his constituency , he would lose any right to remain Prime Minister .
18 It took him a considerable time to do so but he succeeded and left a deep mark on Korea only equalled or exceeded by his arch-rival , Kim Il Sung in north Korea .
19 It was n't long before he reappeared and swiftly removed his haversack , bags and boxes from the back of the cart .
20 Then she said , ‘ Eduardo , ’ because it did n't matter much whether he knew or not .
21 The Advisory Committee has agreed with the Director 's proposal-either as it stood or subject to specified modifica-tion ;
22 ‘ That was something I missed terribly when I retired and doing this race for the first time is a way of replacing it . ’
23 The bombs stopped as suddenly as they started but the hollow screams of anti-aircraft shells continued without pause .
24 He did not say much when they met and it was always muffled by the lapels of his coat .
25 It at once became apparent that , much as she trusted and respected Alianor , she must on this one occasion slip the leash .
26 She had to talk for as long as he wanted and it was a long time .
27 She was rocking him gently as he fed and gazing in abstraction at the far corner of the room .
28 He found himself smiling gently as he sat and watched her , and pulled himself up sharply , realizing that the girl was annoyed by what was obviously a familiar reaction .
29 Only when they dropped or rattled something , the startled way they would look towards Moran , did the nervous tension of what it took to glide about so silently show .
30 Only when he stooped and some lire changed hands did she realise that he must be intending to walk back .
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