Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The impression arose , in his view , not because of anything ministers said , but because the Government began privatising and stopped handing out subsidies to smokestack activities , so that its role in running industry diminished .
2 And all the time the line of force which bound her to her husband stretched and vibrated so that her heart in secret haemorrhage , gushed blood .
3 As she progressed , she began to learn how to correct her balance when she was displaced by the physiotherapist , so that her confidence in her balance on her left leg was increased .
4 They are not associated with each other ; Epsilon is over 4500 light-years away , Zeta only a little over 500 light-years , so that their juxtaposition in the sky is pure coincidence .
5 The main point here is that not only did the Labour leaders reject the left 's version of the social contract with its new emphasis on a radical industrial policy , but also they increasingly came to question even the Crosland/Fabian/ ‘ Keynesian ’ version of socialism , so that their politics in the latter half of the 1970s became more and more of a mere holding operation — mere ‘ government ’ lacking any social purpose with a broad popular appeal .
6 Despite being separated from his wife Zulema , Menem had shown remarkable loyalty to her family in the face of such scandals , so much so that his judgement in appointing aides and ministers began to be widely questioned .
7 Maybe we are like a photocopy of God that got a bit crumpled and smudged as it came out of the machine so that his image in us has got a bit spoilt , but that does not alter the fact that every person has something of God about them .
8 It was not only that his daughter in this prepossessing dining room seemed an unfamiliar creature , that his son was slightly uncomfortable , and that Thomas with his mercurial wit and ironic eyes felt like a friend recovered from a distant past .
9 The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible — compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14 .
10 A third technique is devolution — the separation , except for the ultimate and overriding authority of Parliament , of functions from central government entirely and their vesting in a subordinate authority .
11 And , perhaps because his time in France immersed him in French culture , which takes the social sciences more seriously than Britain 's , he has plenty of respect for medical sociology .
12 ‘ It is surely Mahler 's best known music — especially since its use in Luchino Visconti 's 1971 Death in Venice — and it is also the only movement from the composer 's symphonies often performed independently .
13 Place believed that only since his youth in the 1780s had London 's artisans begun to improve into a more " respectable " class .
14 So when his interest in the affair peters out and he 'd rather not bump into you at the photocopier on a daily basis , it 's you who 'll be left with a P45 and a broken heart .
15 Several paces from her flat she took her keys from her jacket pocket ; she kept her keys in her pocket rather than her bag in case of mugging .
16 So the question then becomes for them how this particular human being is God , rather than their thinking in terms of a humanity in which he too participated .
17 The study of the visible marks used in writing from the point of view of their shape and size rather than their use in a particular system , which is covered by graphology ; this distinction parallels that of phonetics and phonology .
18 Rather than you being in control , you lose control .
19 However , their arguments rest purely on Sartre 's intentions rather than his practice in the latter novel : Sartre in fact adopts a whole range of modernist devices throughout the three volumes , deriving precisely from the narrative experiments of Joyce , Dos Passos , Faulkner and others .
20 It was the letter that really upset you — rather than my stupidity in not being sufficiently clairvoyant to know it was the chef 's day off . ’
21 THE latest statistics show that a man retiring in Edinburgh is likely to live four years longer than his counterpart in Glasgow , it was stated yesterday .
22 They decided Mr Newall was butchered downstairs and his wife in her bedroom .
23 Unfortunately , however , just as his career in Madrid was really beginning to come together , Max was forced to return to Britain for personal reasons earlier this year .
24 The example of an infant 's fear of strangers shows , as we move from the detailed anatomy of behaviour to the rich , ambiguous concepts we use to make sense of everyday social intercourse , that the particular acts referred to matter less than the way they are organised , just as our interest in houses , rarely focuses on mud or wood or bricks .
25 Uncle Jack called to complain of being kept in the dark just when his expertise in such matters — of which Charlotte was unaware — might be most valuable .
26 However , Lyngby are ready to part with the Danish international as soon as their interest in the European Cup is over — and following Rangers 2-0 win that is likely to be in 10 days time .
27 The mysteries of added entries , subject headings , etc. and their role in the search process will not be solved by adding layers of online instructions and explanations .
28 Certainly the Office states that he became a hermit " without his father 's knowledge and against his will … because he loved God more than his father in the flesh " .
29 John Rodda in Las Vegas predicts that Ray Leonard will feel the strain of the advancing years more than his rival in tonight 's big fight
30 I lost my part yesterday and my place in the company .
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