Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Turn right where you see a waymark arrow and bear left crossing the stile around 150yds further on .
2 Following the first leg little or nothing separates the two teams .
3 It is possible that those who work in education , even at senior management level , lack the confidence to press for this sort of recognition ; a diffidence which has its origin in the perceived ‘ otherness ’ referred to above , combined with the erroneous view that education has little or nothing to offer a commercial board-room .
4 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
5 It arose from a groundswell of opinion in the EC that the internal market would be a success only where it had the support of both ‘ sides ’ of industry and if it was designed to benefit every citizen of the Community .
6 There is one place only where he lifts the curtain .
7 Each cycle should take fifty five minutes so we do three sets of role play , well we look at them , look for the cycle to start at quarter past ten first cycle must start at quarter past ten , there four that should be for one o'clock so we commence the third and final role play , come back here and break for lunch and have an hour for lunch final role play at two o'clock .
8 It was n't until 8 pm. that they let the Red Cross through .
9 He looked down at her , his face tightening and then , so suddenly that she had no time to read his intentions , he pulled her to him .
10 The little reporter realized suddenly that she had a real story for her editor and went pale with fear as she remembered that lady 's ruthless slashing up of her last offering , the report of an insignificant wedding .
11 It occurred to her suddenly that she found the cloak-and-dagger element in all this vaguely disturbing , and totally unnecessary .
12 Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer .
13 The earl mounted his horse and chased after it , but enjoyed the sport so much that he ordered the town butchers to supply a mad bull every year on 13 November in return for grazing rights on the meadows .
14 THERE is nothing more humiliating than loving him so much that you forgive the infidelities .
15 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
16 So although we know the fundamental equations that govern the brain , we are quite unable to use them to predict human behavior .
17 So although I heard the emptiness intellectually , I did n't feel it .
18 sta sta staff comment comes out of there and that bit goes up then you have general skills and abilities and then below that you have a wider box which just says comments which will include a staff comment and may include a pupil comment as well cos because it 's signed by both at the bottom .
19 Glider designers sometimes choose to fit a tail-skid rather than a wheel for simplicity and cheapness , saying quite rightly that they offer a little less drag .
20 It was virtually impossible to say aloud that one welcomed the death of a fellow human being , but she believed that was how Ayling had felt .
21 The improved neutron detector was finally ready ‘ later in the year ’ and ‘ within a few weeks ’ the results were positive enough that they formed the basis of the paper that was sent for publication on 23 March 1989 , the paper that should have been sibling to that of Fleischmann and Pons .
22 I have other patients to care for ; I have a day ; I have a family ; I have … you know , I have a life ahead of me , and these things do come up often enough that I saw no contradiction to the … not only the needs of the patient but the final ending — what would happen would be the same .
23 ‘ Now , Tess , I have told you often enough that I have no wish to set up in Belgravia , Harley Street , or Wimpole Street , ’ said Dr Neil quietly , refusing the sandwiches which a servile McAllister was handing him .
24 The bulk of Germany 's railways were established between 1848 and 1877 , but even then they served the west of Germany far better than they served the east .
25 and he treated his horse well I mean a lot of these horseman , good horseman treated the horse better than they did the wife !
26 I think he treated the dogs better than he treated the women , actually- ’ Markby broke off embarrassed .
27 It matters to me greatly that we have a reputation for taking these big issues and dealing with them with independence and rigour .
28 When asked to assess the opposition , manager Lazaroni replied diplomatically that he fears no single Italian player , rather he fears the whole side .
29 Although we had we had warning that erm obviously that you knew the kids were gon na start a new season in September , you 'd start saving the money and a bill would come up .
30 The game itself is all about fitting blocks together so they make a nice tidy brick wall .
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