Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [conj] [pron] come " in BNC.

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1 Such an assumption is strong enough that when one comes across a response that is apparently irrelevant ( as ( ii ) overtly appears to be ) , an inference is triggered that would preserve the assumption of relevance .
2 So that when they come to assessment in the Upper School … they can actually analyse and rationalize why things work and why they do n't , why they should change direction , why they should give up and start again , and why they should logically follow the piece through .
3 They 're seen as being reliable , they 'll use a standard approach so that when they come to solve a problem , what do we , what did we do before ?
4 Yeah but what they 're saying is it 's got ta be in the night before so that when they come in that next morning
5 ‘ They acted out the robbery in full so that when it came to describing it to everyone , to police , and to insurance investigators , they would be able to describe it in perfect detail . ’
6 Ten minutes afterwards she had filled every available space on the card with news of her journey and her impressions of beautiful Mariánské Láznë , so that when it came to penning a signature there was barely any room for her own name , let alone room to add Cara 's .
7 Firstly , the local authority search and all standard information about the property will now be obtained by the seller 's solicitor at the beginning of the process , so that when it comes to buying a property all the initial legal information will be available and in place .
8 I think she wants to get something sorted so that when it comes it 's open for her .
9 Before the cinema opened the men on the staff were given cigars to puff , so that when you came into the foyer it had that smell of luxury .
10 The point of doing all this pre-planning is so that when you come to align columns across the page or to set text next to pictures everything snaps together neatly .
11 so that when you come back , there 's only one thing to come back to , there is n't a choice of two .
12 Any matters referred to in the replies , which will need to be taken into account on completion — eg details of the title deeds that will be handed over , the standard requisition as to production of last receipts , a requirement that an outstanding mortgage should be discharged on or before completion , an undertaking of some sort to be given on completion — should be marked " Completion " so that when you come to prepare your completion agenda , these matters can at once be picked out , and no further lengthy perusal of the replies will be needed .
13 Yes , there must be be a reason and as I 'm sure , I mean like like the objective , and then what you can do at this stage in the design process is once you 've got the objective then you select those themes or ideas from your what you 've done just now to support that objective , so that when you come up my objective is to convince you or my objective is to inform you then the information that you 're going to give out supports that objective .
14 However , unknown to Lee , under his ball were bramble runners , so that when he came down to it , his hand got turned and he only moved the ball a few inches .
15 Said I 've been sorting the notes out , I 've put them in order back in , so that when he comes to the window all that the office staff got ta do is look through , like we was told to do
16 So that if somebody come in to call , they 'd pull this thing and then Mr or somebody would open the the sliding door and you see .
17 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
18 That really turned my stomach , even if , I mean I remember when I was carrying , when I was carrying the twins , and he used to go out huge things you know , and so much so that if he came home in the night , right , and I was already in bed asleep , I would be able to er , he would wake me in the bedroom cos I could smell smoke on him , but he did n't smoke , but where he 'd been the pub or a night club , I smelt
19 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected on Pertini 's portrait .
20 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected in Pertinis portrait .
21 ‘ We have made it our duty to find out as much as we can about Natasha , so that if it comes to a point where we want to adopt her , we will have the documentation ready . ’
22 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
23 Anyway perhaps if if I come back to you after next Tuesday afternoon when I 've got a meeting to talk just about that subject with the deputy and see what options are going to come forward .
24 The hedgehog and vole went into the tunnel together and when they came out they were in Sergeant 's garden .
25 on a Tuesday , it 's just that if you come across anything , do n't go scouring
26 Shirley Armitage does n't give up easily and when it comes to vital care for her elderly mother , she 's prepared for a battle .
27 No , but I pu put it next to the lift and as soon as Hughey comes put it outside and when I come back I 'll take it away .
28 I mean for this market research one , we ought to finish this tonight because if she comes tomorrow
29 If you have a policy for housing , or anything else for that matter , how about sharing it with the rest of us , right and until you come up with an alternative policy , do n't you start knocking us for having a policy which we are prepared to debate .
30 We went out somewhere and when we come back they were gone .
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