Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [conj] [pron] go " in BNC.

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1 And strange to say , it had coal fires in the winter , huge coal fires to keep it warm , or attempt to do , and most of the classrooms were only divided by portable partitions so that while we went from class to class as the two or three years went by , it really was in one long building and quite adequate for the time .
2 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
3 Some people plan it so that when they go along , along the motorway , they hit roadworks , blinking heck , but they 're aware that they 're there .
4 Because I want to do as much as we can during the holiday so that when you go back you you 're up there with the rest of them okay .
5 So that when you go into the Drama Studio with a group of students … and when you do decent work with them , everybody puts himself on the line , everybody .
6 Maybe he seeks a more thrustful mien so that when he goes to his nasty little hutch in the City and glares at his neurotically blinking little screen and barks into his cellular telephone for another tranche of lead futures or whatever , he comes over as just a trifle more macho than we all know him to be .
7 So we 'll get that sorted out and been talking about it I think the best bet is if we can get a few lessons in during the holidays so that when he goes back to school he 'll be more or less up to date .
8 DO watch the screen while you type or give commands so that if something goes wrong you can correct it as soon as possible ( eg using Esc ape , U ndo )
9 well you wan na do it sooner rather than later you do n't want to leave it , you wan na do it sort of , now , so that if you go to college or any thing you can start off with that name
10 Such officials were used so that if anything went wrong the papal see would be entirely free from reproach .
11 So that if it goes again I can get a cheap one then you can use a cheap one to tie it to the fence .
12 Both writers make light of this crossing from Fort Augustus to the middle of Glenmoriston , even though it must have proven their most arduous stage so far — eleven miles of high , hard going , ‘ cut in traverses ’ as Johnson says , ‘ so that as we went upon a higher stage , we saw the baggage following us below in a contrary direction . ’
13 Plus plus yes and especially if if I went , we went to and I think it was er from the membership .
14 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
15 ‘ It 's just that after we went to live in South Africa it seemed a sensible choice for a third language , as the only non-English-speaking countries among the front line states are Mozambique and Angola . ’
16 I said no , it was just that before we went to bed last night , Aunt Kit had decided to look for her money .
17 No it is n't , it is n't gon na away but when you go back to these figures we 've actually been working , if you wo if you accept that there 's been , there 's no change in our situation apart from auto-offs and units
18 Erm you , you did , you know , you did summarize with what you thought you , you 'd established erm you went through to , to get your second appointment Steve threw , you know , the objection in about sending it in the post and what have you erm er and , and you o you overcame that erm successfully but I think the other thing that , that with , with the ANNA it , it unless you get that authority the rest of it is meaningless because you know you ca n't go on and , and , well you can agree the needs but there 's no way that he 's , he 's gon na agree to do it now or when you go back or , or even perhaps agree on the amount .
19 Wait until you get , what , do you want it now or when you go to bed , take it to bed ?
20 I find it disappointing now that when I go to a completion meeting , I am often the only woman there .
21 If the project does not get into gear now and if we go back to the drawing board , it will be decades before we get another scheme that is worked through to the present level .
22 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
23 and she says she 's still as bad off now as when she went in to get the house , you know the five thousand odd , she 's would , she 's , she 's , I had a bit last , I , I wished you had it all , I said do n't lie , I said do n't tell me you have n't had it I says cos you have , she says yeah , I says what you done with it ?
24 I do n't forget how often you have threatened to throw Ben on to the streets ; knowing full well that if he went , I would go with him .
25 and there is so many people smoking where , in the pubs that I go to and I do n't have it cos I think it looks disgusting I come here and because we go around in like threes and it 's , you know ,
26 ‘ Hunt is a legend here but if I go on and beat his all-time record I think it 'll take some bettering .
27 It 's all right when the children are here but when everybody goes I am back on my own all day .
28 Well when when we went there in there in nin in eighteen ninety four , in er in about ni eighteen ninety eight , they had a snow .
29 Fabia felt then that if he went on in this ‘ lift her up , knock her down ’ fashion for very much longer , the way her heart was behaving , she would probably have heart failure .
30 I knew even then that if I went on seeing you my days of freedom were numbered .
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