Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Remembering suddenly that Chuck and his father were standing behind him , he blushed inwardly at the thought .
2 Discretion may have tended to appear the better part of valour , and certainly better than defeat and its resultant loss of prestige .
3 All she could think of to do was to step aside so that David and his mother could greet each other .
4 Firstly , we may be critical of the way the field is set up , so that men and their behaviour are implicitly the norm and women 's behaviour becomes a deviation needing explanation .
5 These may be organized by local groups such as stroke clubs , so that patients and their carers get together for outings or entertainments and shows .
6 Bachelard and Cavaillès agree that the distinguishing characteristic of modern science is the degree to which it has become separated from common-sense knowledge so that consciousness and its concepts are now opposed :
7 One should therefore be sceptical about fertile she-mules , especially because Benirschke and his colleagues showed by examining her chromosomes that one claimant was in fact a donkey .
8 So while d'Abreu and his colleagues went off eastwards , even braver or more foolhardy men — following the banner of Castile — were determined to discover — heroically and , as it turned out for many of them , fatally — the way to reach this same Orient by travelling outwards to the West , across the vast unknown .
9 But Reagan did not appear at North 's trial , much as North and his lawyers tried ; he did not appear until Poindexter 's , in the spring of 1990 .
10 The magnificent late twelfth-century font in the great church of San Frediano at Lucca shows Pharaoh drowning in the Red Sea ; and he and his troops are dressed up much as Frederick and his knights must have appeared to the Lucchese of the 1160s .
11 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
12 So when Major and his allies in the press succeeded in persuading wavering Tories that voting for Ashdown would put Kinnock into Downing Street , they returned home .
13 They employed Christian names rather than titles but their turns of phrase for communication with each other , whether written or spoken , were formal in all cases and on occasions orotund .
14 It 's not a job that can be delayed , either , for once foam starts to block , then it 's minutes rather than hours before your flow-rate drops dramatically , soon ceasing altogether .
15 Enya plans to tour here soon while Leo and his wife , Baba , are hoping to take a holiday in Cleveland .
16 It says that it is the counsel of the witan determined upon as soon as Cnut and his witan established peace and friendship between Danes and English , and that one of the first things the witan decided was that they would zealously observe Edgar 's law and " investigate further at leisure what was necessary for the nation , as best they could " .
17 £12,000 cash is stolen from car A KARATE instructor has lost more than £13,000 after his car was stolen .
18 Members of Fimbra could be responsible for claims of more than £32m if its payments had not been capped at £5m , with the remainders ' being paid by other self-regulatory organisations .
19 He has had a passion for buses and coaches ever since childhood when his father took him to the Darlington bus depot where he still works as a driver .
20 In the case of Penge , apart from one low and narrow railway bridge , there was no difficulty with narrow roads , since Penge had been developed much later than Croydon and its main roads were of ample width .
21 That is , until a few months later when Darnley and his page boy , whilst staying at Kirk o' Fields Palace , were killed in an explosion .
22 Of course , you will have to want interactive video quite badly because videodiscs and their players are costly .
23 If for example women were turned down more often than men because their employment history was shorter , they were not in a skilled job , and they did not have a bank account , this would not constitute discrimination against women — as the conditions , only part of an overall scoring system , would not be absolute .
24 Now that America and its European partners have said they will concentrate on protecting ‘ safe areas ’ in Bosnia , the Muslims are left in a kind of Balkan version of KwaZulu , the most fragmented of the black homelands scattered across the map of South Africa .
25 Khotan is drunk , when he is n't doped with hashish and , now that Nogai and his brothers are forbidden the Golden Pavilion , your father-in-law is courting everyone . ’
26 She was talking quite loudly now and Robert and my mother were both listening to her .
27 The audience flowed in behind as Argyll and his tall , rawboned wife dragged Elizabeth , screaming , swearing , fighting every step , out of the hall and up the stair to the empty guest room next to his own .
28 As far as Donleavy and his masters were concerned , clearly nothing was more important than preserving the integrity of Tony Asmar 's network of agents in Lebanon .
29 Yet , as far as Diana and her brother and sisters were concerned , Lady Spencer was a gold-digger after their father 's status .
30 Here where class and its rituals , football teams , chips , queues for everything , council estates , three storey houses , pebble dashed suburbia , languages we 'd never heard , the tube , children who 'd grown up with TV programmes we 'd never seen , pubs and warm beer ( when we saw COURAGE written on pub hoardings we thought they were left over from the war to give people morale ) , tea and gasfires and pets , having to make appointments to see people in advance rather than just arriving , suspicious politeness , all of these began to reveal themselves , intricately and ambiguously .
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