Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The poor , however , are often blamed for their own poverty , accused of budgeting badly or living beyond their means .
2 I can er either buy one in Asda or somewhere or forget about it and have a fresh tree .
3 Choose one of the ideas below or decide on your own Thinking Day theme .
4 In fact , there are many reasons why families fail to stay together or to provide for their children adequately , reasons that include the stress of ill-health , unemployment or irregular employment , low pay , poverty and deprivation , bad housing and a poor environment and low levels of social support .
5 In travelling around Australia I soon found out there was not too much of my kind of thing — little enough that feel within my category of the picturesque .
6 Left alone , often with children to support , former women compositors could do no better than ask for their old jobs back .
7 If you are elderly or widowed , organisations like Age Concern and CRUSE will actually help you with the practical details and , if not in either of these categories , you could do no better than go to your nearest Citizens ' Advice Bureau for some help .
8 Better than mooning in your room .
9 And Jessamy knew better than to argue with him when he used that particular tone of voice .
10 Still if you mind 's made up , I know better than to argue with you . ’
11 ‘ Duw , there 's nothing I like better than to work on my own ideas . ’
12 He said , ‘ In the event of trickery , you will know better than to hope for your life .
13 One of his shakier concerns was an air-taxi service with which he scared the wits out of travellers too innocent to know better than to fly with him .
14 Perhaps that accounted for their nervousness .
15 Perhaps that came from his own experience of human love — we do n't really know .
16 Perhaps that contributed to his good looks , thought Charles , and bent to pull up his wrinkled socks as Dimity had told him .
17 So that seemed to me to be all right . ’
18 If anybody is successful in bringing in new work into the office , clearly that reflects in their achievements and their objectives , merely that reflects in their assessment so far as er their managers and are concerned and clearly that will will be reflected in their pay , so that will be the way that er we would normally tackle and that would be the way I I was prepared to tackle it .
19 But Neptune and Uranus may well create rather more chaos than anything else so you must be careful with your spending , and anything but trusting of other people 's interference : in fact less than trusting with anything to do with borrowing or lending .
20 He nodded eagerly and left with his dog .
21 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
22 ‘ Bring a horse , ’ said Hotspur , rearing up fiercely and looking about him for the nearest serviceable squire , ‘ and get him on to it .
23 They also tended to know their middle-class patients better and communicated with them better than with their working-class patients .
24 ( And as Lucy was shuffling tensely and waiting for someone to respond , Joe Lucas was in his hotel room and trying to prise the cap off a fresh bottle of painkillers that he 'd picked up , along with some disposable razors and a few other essentials , from a late-opening pharmacy on Piccadilly .
25 ’ ‘ Shame on ye , ye plump English trollope , ’ he giggled suddenly and rolled onto her again .
26 She stopped suddenly and gazed at him .
27 A copy of Return Safe from the Wilderness lay on a workbench , and I picked it up idly and looked through it .
28 I stepped inside and got behind her and tried pushing her from that side .
29 Then she went back inside and sat in her father 's chair , shaking with shock and recriminations .
30 of getting i the some sort of a working a relationship a at a more detailed where in between , we 're between the staff the teaching staff and the tutor , the form tutors help the teaching staff , especially and say in your department where you you 're gon na have to give them more homework .
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