Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So that what we will have to do is make our recommendations to Paul the following day .
2 And you have some way of , of , of getting in , erm and you have some way of controlling access therefore into toilets , now I do n't know whether that would totally it , overcome the vandal system , but I mean if your saying a pass would n't be any different than a coin you could devise an entrance , so that it was n't , you know , so that what you would be doing is stopping having like the total open access all the time , you know , erm .
3 Wigglesworth has remained calm , coped with the aggravations and resolutely has soldiered through the work , saying only that what he ca n't bear is orchestral apathy .
4 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
5 The positive heuristic , that aspect of a research programme that indicates to scientists the kind of thing they should do rather than what they should not do , is somewhat vaguer and more difficult to characterize specifically than the negative heuristic .
6 But the next exam on the educational ladder lays emphasis on what people know , rather than what they can do , and is seen primarily as a passport to university entry .
7 That is to say , it tended to focus on what children can not do rather than what they can do , and in ( rightly ) attending to their problems it underplayed or ignored their potential .
8 ‘ There are stars I have simply not brought to Highbury because they have been more concerned with the money they could make rather than what they could achieve for Arsenal . ’
9 It was always easier to say what such a school should not be , rather than what it should be .
10 It is a common problem for a woman to undervalue herself , being aware only of what she can not , rather than what she can , do .
11 His voice softened when he saw her reaction and became more confident , as though he could now say what he wanted rather than what he ought to say .
12 The six sat round the table in the kitchen , with an assortment of take-aways , which they had brought in separately and which they would now consume together : pizzas , and fish and chips , and pies .
13 He 's looking away so that you ca n't catch his eye ; he 's also looking away because what he can see over your shoulder is more interesting than your shoulder .
14 They 've told her she 's had three years more than what she should of had , she 's living on borrowed time , but , erm , she said the ho er
15 Well I can choose what I do n't want to do more than what I can do , that 's easier to you know .
16 Er , on th on the , on the big planes you see like when what we used to take twenty eight twenty eight out
17 Being wise after the event , I realise now that what I should have done was to ask the jury to retire so that a formula could have been discussed and agreed upon , which would have disposed of the matter satisfactorily .
18 ( One occasionally encounters a burst of inanity of Nobel proportions , as in this : " Our capacity for deceiving ourselves about the operation of the brain is almost limitless , mainly because what we can report is only a minute fraction of what goes on in our head .
19 But I think everything in moderation , but you do n't eat as much butter now as what you used to .
20 As far as what you could/should be doing with your PC is concerned , keep reading !
21 Er and I can think of erm nothing better than to leave you with this slide er which I think sums up where we 're coming from today and what we 'd like you to take away from today .
22 They they 're summarized here and what I 'll do is we 'll get photocopies off these before team brief .
23 So what I 'd like you to do if you have n't got some paper there 's stacks of paper here and what I 'd like you to do is grab a piece of paper and write down what I 'm going to tell you .
24 Guideline 21 : Tell children what they should do , as well as what they ca n't do .
25 Consider what you could eat more of , as well as what you should cut down on .
26 The UN is being asked to police Iraq 's border with Kuwait ; to decide how much oil Iraq sells abroad and what it can buy in return ; to make sure Iraq destroys any nuclear- or chemical-weapons plants ; and to get ready to protect Kurdish enclaves when American , British and French soldiers leave .
27 ‘ … and the moral of that [ said the Duchess ] is — ‘ Be what you would seem to be ’ — or , if you 'd like it put more simply — ‘ Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise .
28 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
29 I think first of all , I 'd like to be very brief , but just to say the purpose of this short report with the appendices has not got any special status with food control , just set the record straight as to what we are capable of doing currently and what we ca n't do .
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