Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb base] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In those days parents did not complain at such authoritarian behaviour — they knew better than argue with Mr. Russ who was a greatly respected member of the community .
2 It was France 's inexplicable failure to do better than draw with Cyprus in Limassol that helped Scotland to qualify for Italia '90 ahead of Michel Platini 's team .
3 ‘ In the early stages of the painting I often apply colour loosely and blend with fingers or tissue .
4 ‘ I had to go up to Clapton yesterday and haggle with Antinou for hours over that bloody Egyptian cotton .
5 And go ye forth and fight with King Bucar : for be ye certain and doubt not that ye shall win this battle ; God hath granted me this .
6 I open wide and accept with ease because sometimes there is much joy to be had in multiple matings in a short space of time .
7 Rinse the slides again and stain with Giemsa .
8 He wished Emily were with him , to share the adventure ; to talk about it afterwards and laugh with relief .
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