Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb past] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This did not stop them from associating together nor did it stop the spread of a vague common ideology .
2 You see this thing did you buy this separately or did it come in the Walkman ?
3 I 'm sure he went away and had it done somewhere else .
4 Having instigated the new lead , the FA have turned away and allowed it to develop into an organisation in which the voice of reason struggles for a hearing .
5 Colberg drew his sabre slowly and held it sloped on his shoulder .
6 He turned quickly and saw it coming up the slope behind him .
7 THE Indian government defeated an opposition censure motion in parliament yesterday and said it had vital evidence to identify those responsible for a series of bomb explosions in Bombay .
8 I had noticed the scaffolding placed around it the week before and thought it looked an odd sight , with the Chairman 's head just visible over the striped plastic sheeting .
9 He 'd never done it before but thought it sounded like harmless fun .
10 Supermarket chain Gateway Foodmarkets announced it was switching its 1,100 cars to diesel six months ago and said it expected to save around £400,000 a year on fuel alone .
11 I made one many years ago and found it worked very well .
12 He had bought it there and then and had it shipped directly to his stables , here at Tongjiang .
13 They had reached the house , but when she made a move to open her door he leant across and slammed it shut .
14 I put a good bit on there and soaked it let it soak in .
15 He refolded the paper dart neatly and sent it skimming across the tea-table .
16 They only found out about the marriage afterwards and used it to strengthen their case , which was , basically that the Archbishop could n't have someone teaching in a school in Clontarf who was the author of a banned book .
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