Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [be] feel " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly so where it is felt that the consideration did not have a causative effect upon the authority 's determination and where the decision being impugned is not determinative of rights , such as a decision by a local authority to refer a landlord to a rent tribunal .
2 By the time we get to the jarv tracks I am over it , putting it down to a poor night 's sleep and a wearing day that have combined so that I am feeling the cold more than I normally do .
3 The main route for Day 10 is a fairly short walk in any case , as is Day 11 , so if you 're feeling fit you could combine the two .
4 So if you are feeling depressed about not owning your own horse the answer is do n't !
5 Chloral is a sedative and not an analgesic , so if it is felt that the above signs are due to pain , the doctor must prescribe analgesia in addition to , or instead of , chloral .
6 For girls themselves , it may also be a daunting prospect , especially if they 're feeling rather vulnerable and embarrassed about their condition .
7 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
8 Priority was to be given to walking , not only because it was felt that this would give disproportionate environmental benefits and would aid access to public transport , but it would recognise the dominance of local movement by foot transport .
9 ‘ What rotten luck , ’ Daisy said , putting on the upper-class voice that she used only when she was feeling guarded .
10 WE ALL like to be taken seriously , especially when we are feeling ill .
11 Anyway if you 're feeling like this maybe we should n't watch the match — you might start attacking me . ’
12 Similar proposals put forward at the end of World War I , to provide financial support via NHI to women after childbirth , were rejected largely because it was felt that they would offer an inducement to married women to work .
13 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
14 But just when I was feeling at home in the loin-cloth and boot polish , and when I 'd learned my lines before anyone else and was getting as competent as a little orangutan on the scaffolding , I saw that our conflicts had n't ended .
15 Then , just when she was feeling really at ease with him , he stepped back a pace , came in on the tail-end of her report on the new extra-calorie meal schedule they were working on , and undermined her equilibrium totally with the words , ‘ I like the way the dappled light is playing on your hair .
16 When Molly joined him he would ask hopefully if she were feeling tired or , even perhaps more hopefully , as though it relieved him of all responsibility , if she had the curse .
17 This is usually because it is felt that they can not cope with anything at a higher level or with more demanding work — they ‘ can not concentrate ’ , ‘ can not transfer knowledge from one situation to another ’ , ‘ can not remember from one day to the next ’ , ‘ can not cope with sequential tasks ’ , ‘ get confused by experiencing more than one way of doing something ’ , and most definitely ‘ can not do fractions ’ .
18 It 's a comfort blanket , that 's what it is , when you see your branch manager collecting cardboard , it 's usually because he 's feeling a bit stressed out .
19 when Ah were finally allowed ti goa back hoam — usually when she were feeling hungry — t'naybors 'd phoned police .
20 The slightest thing would set her off , usually when she was feeling insecure and wanted attention .
21 Do you find that you tend to generally eat more , or crave sweet food more when you are feeling tired or have gone without food for a long time ?
22 This was partly because it was felt that a true understanding of the causes of crime was necessary before a clear corrective programme could be enunciated and that point , of course , was never quite reached — ‘ more research ’ was always needed .
23 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
24 Now though she was feeling nervous , unsure of herself , and she could feel herself beginning to tremble slightly .
25 At tea-ti me the next day he picked up Catherine at her flat , noticing that she was looking rested and pretty even if he was feeling jaded and disaffected .
26 Even if you 're feeling sick or perhaps you just are n't thirsty or hungry after London , it 's still wise to put a little back into that body of yours .
27 I 'd never say no , even if she was feeling a bit randy and I was n't .
28 The nature of the organisation and the staff it employs tends to lead to a greater commitment to any investigation and subsequent changes , particularly if it is felt that they could eventually benefit the residents .
29 Here you can do much to protect her interests at a time when she is very vulnerable by making sure that they are first valued by an expert before being advertised , for widows are often ‘ conned ’ into selling their husband 's valuable possessions very cheaply to unscrupulous people , simply because they are feeling too low in spirits to resist any offer to have them removed speedily and without fuss .
30 To some extent , this will be done simply because it is felt that it is more efficient , or at least administratively convenient , to handle matters in this way — the matters delegated may be ephemeral , needing constant change ; or technical , requiring expertise .
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