Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun sg] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Regulations apply only where computer screens are habitually used by one or more employees as a significant part of daily work .
2 He based this on the belief that only where property considerations were absent — as by definition they were in the proletariat — could ‘ true sex-love ’ develop .
3 Especially where company law is concerned , the consultative role of the Economic and Social Committee gives UK businesses an opportunity , through the CBI , of influencing Community legislation .
4 Corrie 's also makes the Garden Buggy ( about £36 ) , a lightweight folding wheelbarrow that is ideal for use in a small garden , especially where storage space is a problem .
5 Some sections of the working class , especially where child labour was a necessity , might still prefer evidence of a woman 's fertility , but even when such utilitarian motives were absent , informal ties were often preferred .
6 Damp is a formidable enemy and too much warmth as great a one , especially where leather bindings are concerned .
7 Clean your filter system regularly , and that includes syphoning the gravel especially where undergravel systems are employed .
8 It is important that the nurse reports her observations of the patient 's condition so that electrolyte disturbances are detected early and treated .
9 The second initiative that should be taken by central government is to shape its purchasing policy so that government contracts are increasingly placed in areas of high unemployment .
10 On most days the official programme occupied only the evenings so that day time was available for sightseeing .
11 The purpose of this policy is twofold , first as a means of achieving a more effective link between education and employment so that school leavers are old enough to take up productive work when they leave school , secondly as a means of offering a basic education to a greater number of the nation 's children and ensuring that they stay at school to complete it .
12 and so that money prizes are n't gon na go to a school like
13 The dominant prey size in the South African samples is smaller than in the English samples , but larger prey is also taken , so that size variation is much greater in the South African samples .
14 Instead the Chevron is powered by a König 4 cylinder radial 2 stroke engine , a very neat lightweight unit which has separate pointless magnetos for each cylinder , so that magneto failure is not as serious as it might be .
15 Strathclyde 's finance committee supported his suggestion that the Scottish Office should be asked to change the law so that sex discrimination be outlawed .
16 The fullest development of karst scenery is attained where the limestone is relatively pure ( in excess of 80 per cent ) , very thick , mechanically strong and massively jointed ( so that water flow is concentrated along joints rather than passing through the mass of the rock ) .
17 The gene prevents the breakdown of certain proteins in the digestive system of insects so that insect larvae are deprived of essential nutrients and die .
18 more landmasses are above water than usual — although this may be a chicken-and-egg effect because during an ice age much of the world 's water is locked up as ice , so that ocean levels are lower
19 Third , the direction of state organizations is structured so that accumulation functions are ranked higher than legitimation functions .
20 Calving and kidding times were chosen so that milk production was at a peak when skiers and tourists were around in the spring and summer .
21 But the thing is that there 's time limits imposed on the building application , so that time limit is therefore transferred to us .
22 Strathclyde has made a direct appeal to the Scottish education minister , Lord James Douglas-Hamilton , to change the legislation so that closure programmes are not caught up in lengthy delays .
23 Many scientists believe that the Earth is not the only place in the Universe inhabited by intelligent life , so much so that radio telescopes are being used to search for them .
24 managing structures of relationship so that teacher responsibility is enhanced and top-down direction minimised .
25 It requires good personal organisation so that mortgage monies are available for completion .
26 Up to 80,000 tonnes of fruit , vegetable and garden debris collected by the city 's refuse department will be treated with yeast so that methane gas is produced .
27 Encouragement has been made through tax incentives , so that pension savings are now one of the most tax effective investments available .
28 Some form of coordination is needed to keep track of cumulative variable costs and to set transfer prices so that group profits are maximised .
29 It does , however , need much pre-planning and administration , which is probably the reason why competitions tend to be aimed at the national level , and involve high value prizes such as holidays and cars , so that consumer response is great enough to cover the costs of the promotion .
30 In fact this criticism , which was very powerful in undermining the claims of Realism , was open to a retort that it missed the point , since Morgenthau claimed only that rationality assumptions were being used as economists use them , to establish a limiting case or ideal type by which actual behaviour could be evaluated .
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