Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] been [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
2 Implicatures that are " triggered " in this unostentatious way , simply by the assumption that the maxims are being observed , have so far been of the greater interest to linguists .
3 Coming from someone who 'd obviously never been in the right frame of mind magnetically to attach anything but his salary to himself — money Anwar always referred to as ‘ unearned income ’ — this seemed a bit rich .
4 Instead , where disorder has occurred , it has more often been between the police and a faction or factions within the demonstration itself .
5 The focus has almost always been on the North Sea , although between 1965 and 1973 eight distant-water freezer trawlers belonging to Ranger Fisheries , a subsidiary of P and O , were based in the port .
6 His view of Iran had almost always been from the sky .
7 You had almost certainly been to the shops .
8 Since then the pressure for a Bill of Rights has built up , partly inspired by the work of the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg , in which successive British governments have too often been on the losing side .
9 She had never before been in the Royal Victoria Infirmary .
10 She had never before been in the company of a man , let alone a young , attractive man .
11 Or has this issue never previously been on the Church 's agenda because the majority of women did not — until our century — have the education , the freedom or the position in society to enable them to take a priestly role ?
12 Erm because I 'd never actually been in the flats before .
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