Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He dreamed of a multitude of chandeliers , all lit up with candles , coming slowly down from the ceiling , while he and his sister Mary watched .
2 As soluble nitrate travels very slowly down from the surface into aquifers , present changes in water quality stem from changes in land use many years ago .
3 It was an exquisitely warm afternoon in Aswan-just the sort of day for which the swallows fly so far , When the Shah walked slowly down from the plane , looking drawn and exhausted , Sadat stepped forward to kiss him on both cheeks — despite advice from his officials that he should be more circumspect with the fallen King .
4 Almost at once they heard the music of the hunt — the pack and the leaders , running crosswind a furlong or so downhill from the path .
5 So right from the beginning you need to give out positive feelings and positive feedback towards them .
6 So right from the beginning of the poem a sombre mood is present in the poem .
7 ‘ It probably looks all right from the bottom of the ladder .
8 I 'd like to have a proper team together right from the start . ’
9 Recognise in time , perhaps only from the despair of repeated failure , that you yourself did not cause the disease , can not control it and can not cure it and that in time you may need to surrender the fight and hand over the care of the sufferer 's addictive disease to his or her own appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
10 Victoria 's output of Masses , and of motets , was much smaller — no more than a score — eight of them being modelled on his own motets , though he was much more selective than most of his contemporaries , borrowing only sparsely from the model instead of treating it almost as the theme for a series of variations as Palestrina does with ‘ Assumpta est ’ and de Monte in most of his Masses .
11 This method should eliminate end effects provided that the test section where the gauge is mounted is itself far enough away from the sample ends to ensure uniform strain .
12 If you can get it off in one piece , so much the better ; if you can not , pull the centre far enough away from the wall to allow you to cut through the board with a padsaw or jig saw , and free each half separately .
13 When a voltage is applied to the tip of the AFM needle ( which is kept far enough away from the surface so that no tunnelling current can flow ) , the dopant 's electrons are disturbed and exert an electrostatic force on the tip .
14 She was seated far enough away from the frame for her every stitch to seem like a considered attack .
15 This means that there is a healthy 240 volts floating just an inch or so away from the Spectrum PCB and the keyboard .
16 The guiding principle must be that the overall value or interest of the essay lies in how its combination of observation and argument leads towards more general statements , and so away from the particularity of autobiography and personal impression .
17 They very swiftly get down to basics , ask pertinent questions , build up a rapport , and do so away from the rest of the party , away from the reporters and press cameras .
18 I have seen photographs of orca , both still and movie , close-up and underwater , but nothing prepares me for the sight of a real one that scythes out of the water 100 metres or so away from the boat .
19 They are prone to picking up camcorder machine and handling noise and are not very good at recording speech if the source is more than a metre or so away from the camera .
20 Second , it must fly swiftly away from the nest and alight some distance from it .
21 What happened next is a matter of supposition , terminating with John Tawell racing swiftly away from the scene and Sara screaming and moaning from the cottage .
22 Pi , somewhat away from the line joining Alnair to Al Dhanab , is an S-type red irregular variable with a range of from 5.8 to 6.4 .
23 But by the end she chose to overplay her hand and lost the sympathy of those who could have saved her from her last indignities — though perhaps not from the bottle .
24 The economy will settle down at point A , a position of neoclassical equilibrium from the point of view of firms , though obviously not from the point of view of households , which would prefer to be at point B. Households must therefore revise downwards their planned expenditure on goods in the light of their failure to sell all of their labour services .
25 He pushed her gently away from the stove and took the pan away , turned down the gas , opened the window .
26 The connections to the cistern are straightforward : the ballvalve is connected via a tap connector , which has a small fibre or rubber washer to make the seal ( a bent tap connector is often best for this job ) ; the cold feeds are connected to the tank connectors with compression joints and must fall gently away from the cistern to avoid airlocks ; the overflow pipe can be copper or plastic ( with a plastic tank connector ) and should be installed with a fall of at least 1 in 10 from the cistern .
27 While Morton led Catherine gently away from the scene , Bragg lifted the child on to the barrow and covered her with the sacking .
28 It faces south-west and slopes gently away from the house .
29 Dickon arrived , with his crow , two squirrels and the fox , and started pushing the wheelchair gently away from the house , and into the gardens .
30 To our eternal regret there were no windows in the north wall which overlooked Broad Bay and , in the foreground , our five acre croft sloping gently away from the house to the top of sea cliffs .
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