Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [Wh det] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , obviously only what I read in the papers , ’ she began .
2 If that were so then what I say would be true if it had the appropriate backing , false otherwise .
3 I just have a hard time writing songs ; it 's just not what I do real well .
4 It 's just not what I want to do ; I do n't want to be The Guitarist 's Guitarist .
5 In less than half an hour , the rapture has vanished into the ether , and Highbury is once more what I have always known it to be — a refuge for depressives and malcontents , whingers and whiners .
6 Right now what I do now can I just have there 's there 's a form here
7 ‘ You know perfectly well what I mean , ’ Ellie said , ignoring Madame 's tease .
8 ‘ You know perfectly well what I mean . ’
9 ‘ You know perfectly well what I mean . ’
10 Well actually what I 've been I 've been taking two before I go to bed at night .
11 It 's mostly chipboard based , but I did buy an old 60s wardrobe quite cheaply which I cut up to make a computer work station .
12 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
13 Actually the presentation is very much what I like .
14 So what we do is erm your your cursor must be in the table somewhere , so you then go up to table , select table , then you 've got to format , border , and grid so we want the grid lines to show then in fact you can chose what we want for the outside border one of these Right , okay Now what I want you to do is set the questions , right ?
15 ‘ You know very well what I mean .
16 ‘ Yow know very well what I mean ! ’ he shouted .
17 ‘ You know very well what I mean . ’
18 ‘ You know very well what I mean , ’ said Mahmoud , exasperated .
19 But if you read that rather strange , moving document , you will see very well what I mean , when I refer to Russell 's emotional difficulty in accepting what commended itself so strongly to his intellect , a purely naturalistic , scientific account of what things are .
20 ‘ You know bloody well what I think , lad . ’
21 My Lords er that clearly is a very serious contribution to the Debate which has to be taken very seriously indeed , er an but I before er responding directly to the er er invitation from the er Minister , I , I just want to summarise very briefly what I think has been the outcome o of this Debate .
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