Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [that] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That procedure became operative so effectively that I think the management subsequently realized that unless they had shop stewards who were capable of discussing the matter intently you know , and objectively , then they were on a loser , because they then stood to lose more productivity than hitherto .
2 This semi-audible remark made me uneasy — that there had been debate at all on my utility — so much so that I wished I had never heard it .
3 Aviation was one of them and I was completely fascinated by the thrill of flying , so much so that I thought seriously of giving up journalism and becoming an aviator .
4 They have made no impression on the Yugoslavian tragedy — so much so that I wish we had developed our own foreign policy towards the future of Yugoslavia in general and to the states of Slovenia and Croatia in particular .
5 So much so that I had to threaten to call the police . ’
6 I 've had a great deal of fun reviewing Animation Works Interactive , so much so that I 've been staying in the office well past my normal time just to play with it .
7 So much so that I bought his only copy of it , and earned his cordial loathing .
8 So much so that I think the time has come to discard those tests which have proved so elusive .
9 So it adds up to something ambivalent about him , so much so that I have to wonder .
10 ‘ So much so that I want you to do it again . ’
11 So much so that I want very much to make love to you again .
12 This is good country , with good villages in it , giving you a full exposure to the dark green or red-brown paint , on window shutters or exposed timbers , that creates such a decorative unity among Basque houses — so much so that I recall a feeling of outrage along this road , when I passed one traditionally built house whose paint work was the vilest turquoise .
13 So much so that I stopped the rehearsal at that point .
14 The child glared at me so fiercely that I tried to ingratiate myself by asking who was her favourite composer .
15 I loved him so much that I knew it would be all right .
16 They came in illegally low after bombing practice on the range just down the firth , blasting over the island so suddenly that I jumped while in the delicate manoeuvre of teasing a wasp into a jar from the old tree stump near the ruined sheep-pen at the north end of the island .
17 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
18 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
19 and in rugby so much can happen so quickly that I believe we have earned that 50–50 chance . ’
20 My youngest daughter Ella will be two on Sunday — yet it seems like only yesterday that I looked at her pink , scrunched-up face for the first time and fell in love with her funny , quirky personality .
21 It was only later that I discovered Ghatak was not only a director , but also , in his own , idiosyncratic way , a teacher and theorist of cinema .
22 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
23 It was only later that I realized that the tears were caused by rage and not by sadness .
24 It was only later that I learned , quite by chance , that she was Janet Bloomfield , author of The Fallen Land , the recent prize-winning novel based on the tragedy of the collapse of the Paisley Close ( ‘ Heave awa ’ , lads ’ ) tenement in Edinburgh in 1862 .
25 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
26 ‘ He gave me six points for this country so clearly that I saw them as if on a black-board and could simply copy them down . ’
27 It was much later that I realized my subconscious tendency towards preferring complicated solutions , merely to demonstrate my clever mental logic .
28 It was n't until much later that I saw it metaphorically .
29 It was only much later that I realised the reason for the request and also for the resulting laughter , namely the enjoyment of a broad Somerset accent which had come with me , and traces of which can still be recognised by West Country people nearly seventy years later .
30 She got out as soon as she could , and found work in the weaving sheds — " she was a good weaver ; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen " — marry , produce nine children , eight of whom emigrated to the cotton mills of Massachusetts before the First World War , managed , " never went before the Guardians " .1 It was much , much later that I learned from One Hand Tied Behind Us that four was the usual number of looms for a Lancashire weaver ; Burnley weavers were not well organised , and my great-grandmother had six not because she was a good weaver but because she was exploited . "
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