Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And somehow his hurt had brought him back here , looking for some innocence long since gone from him , looking for some boyhood simplicity to answer the anguish within him , to make it go away .
2 This gripping drama owes much to the shades of menace hinted at in Caffrey 's Man , and the semi-hysterical flutterings of O'Mahoney 's King , who has long since toppled from his throne .
3 But the remarkable thing is that three years ago Euravia did n't exist at all — except in the mind of its founder , Denis Mendoros , who had only lately arrived from his native Greece .
4 André Gide 's Les Fauxmonnayeurs ( 1926 ) , a novel characterized by self-reflexivity and self-consciousness , in which the device of mise en abyme ( or internal duplication ) is especially conspicuous , has perhaps not received from them the kind of attention that could be expected .
5 Some of them looked as if they had only just risen from their beds , as if this was breakfast time to them ; others had the look of people who had n't slept for a week .
6 Unlike Rohan , she was n't convinced that Antoinette could be so easily dismissed from their lives .
7 Robbie nodded , mentally apologising to him for all the scathing epithets that had so nearly tumbled from her lips .
8 It was , in fact , natural country with semi-artificial fences which were only slightly altered from their original shape .
9 Luckily the 1991 YZR500 is only slightly changed from its 1990 specification and Ruggia quickly felt at home on the new machine .
10 Neither of her parents were church-goers and her father had so far lapsed from his native Catholicism as to despise and detest ‘ the whole primitive priestly caboodle ’ , as he called it .
11 Both Soviet and American leaders , by the late 1980s , had a common interest in a negotiated end to the Iran-Iraq war and in an international agreement guaranteeing freedom of movement in the Persian Gulf , but neither could necessarily manipulate events in the region to its advantage and neither , perhaps , quite understood the nature of a popular movement so far removed from its own cultural assumptions .
12 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
13 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
14 It was hardly surprising that this was the case , and it did n't stop me from giving interviews , but they seemed so far removed from what we were actually trying to do .
15 There seemed little else that he could do , but it was so far removed from his own branch of medicine , so alien to anything he could have foreseen happening to Celia .
16 If we wish to know why hysteria is now so rare and why modern forms of psychopathology in general seem so often removed from their classical , nineteenth and early twentieth-century manifestations , we may now be in a position to give at least part of the answer .
17 And signifiers ( figures ) which resemble referents are less fully differentiated from them than signifiers ( words , discourse ) which do not .
18 Cross at being so abruptly awoken from his sleep , he spotted Margaret and licked his great lips with glee .
19 I brought in from my car the gastric lavage outfit I loved so well and which has so sadly disappeared from my life .
20 But the word was not to be so lightly dismissed from his mind .
21 He murmured , eventually , vaguely , his eyes resolutely on the landscape , her hand rather guiltily withdrawn from his shoulder .
22 The way it works these days is just so divorced from everything we 're familiar with back home .
23 The light was on and Phoebe was sitting on the bed with Maggie 's arms wrapped convulsively around her , her scarlet and sparkling body thus partly hidden from her grandmother .
24 Li Shai Tung studied the hologram a moment longer then turned from it , looking all about him .
25 ‘ My father has only just fully recovered from his grief .
26 But I think we would have tried to find her a job rather more removed from mine , over time . ’
27 In this situation , where all participants are presumed to have similar viewpoints , prejudice is still not freed from its ambivalent expression .
28 The BeSHT — ben Eliezer is known by that acronym — produced a shock-wave of such proportions in Judaism that it has still not recovered from him .
29 Britain 's Midland Bank has still not recovered from its purchase of California 's Crocker Bank , saddled with third-world debt .
30 Tonight it seemed to me that Mrs Browning had still not recovered from her fear , and I suggested that I should perhaps stay and see her into bed .
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