Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] in an " in BNC.

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1 When the message arrived , Thucydides says , the Athenians ‘ were just then engaged in an expedition against Cyprus with two hundred ships of their own and of their allies ’ .
2 Animals that look similar are classified together , and not only that , they are also closely related in an evolutionary sense ( or put another way , they share a common ancestor ) .
3 It is , however , also commonly used in an opposite sense , as in the consumer movement 's version of consumerism , to denote suspicion of consumer goods , a wish to know more about how they are produced and who produces them .
4 The road goes on , in spectacular scenery , to Ullapool , thirty-four miles from Kylesku , a journey now easily accomplished in an hour but which took half a day before the roads were widened and improved to their present high standard .
5 The specimens were then progressively dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series , infiltrated with epon , sectioned at 1 µm in an OMU-3 ultramicrotome , and stained with toluidine blue for morphometric analysis in the computer .
6 The compromise is symbolized by Lysias ' mention ( xxiii.3 ) of ‘ the barber 's shop by the Herms in the Athenian agora where the demesmen of Decelea congregate ’ — an evocative phrase which evidently described a well-known social phenomenon , since it is almost exactly reproduced in an inscription from Decelea ( Syll. 921 , lines 63–4 ) .
7 This hotel is quite gloriously situated in an elevated position just fifty yards from a sandy beach .
8 • These days she 's pretty much engaged in an acting career , although she did turn up in John Waters ' Hairspray in 1988 to render Barbara Lynn Ozen 's title song , which duly appeared on the soundtrack album .
9 That community not only traverses frontiers , to form an invisible college ; it also extends , for some subjects , beyond institutions of higher education to include research institutes , industrial laboratories , professionals working in the field , and the individual scholar who ( no longer based in an institution ) still goes on contributing to the literature .
10 These aspects were however briefly treated in an earlier review by Teichmüller and Teichmüller ( 1981 ) which discussed the relative depth — maturity relationships for four Carboniferous coal basins in northwest Germany and the effect of intrusive heating on vitrinite profiles over the Bramische Massif .
11 Yet the market-led demand for foreign language courses , particularly in view of 1992 , has most certainly resulted in an increasing shortage of language tutors everywhere .
12 NOT is most commonly used in an IF …
13 The relations between central and local government are too often seen in an oversimplified light .
14 Whatever one may think of its application to the particular case , there can be little doubt that Banfield has at the very least described in an ideal form a society in which thrift , enterprise , trust and cooperation are impossible , and therefore one in which political and economic development along liberal democratic and capitalist lines are grossly inhibited .
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