Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [coord] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time that the chubby presenter , the ravages of drink clear in the dark bags under his eyes , had ever gone so far and admitted in public his total dependence .
2 We all sat down together again and chatted in general about falconry , and in particular about equipment and how to put it on correctly ; how to hold the bird properly ; different methods of training a bird ; the various illnesses and complaints they suffer from and how to cure them ; and simply how to take good care of birds .
3 She walked slowly downstairs and sat in her own armchair beside the sitting room window .
4 He wanted to get away somewhere and think in peace , but experience had taught him that it would have achieved nothing because he was incapable of sustained logical thought .
5 Similarly , a motherless Glasgow soldier 's daughter was taken in by her grandparents and brought up with the help of an aunt , who married soon after but stayed in the same home .
6 Iris was already up and splashing in the bath .
7 A French subsidiary which does some development is already up and running in Paris with 12 employees — a German operation will follow .
8 The enemy was three hundred yards away now and marching in a column of four ranks .
9 He ran away as a teenager , got caught , ran away again and settled in Detroit .
10 On the outbreak of the second Dutch war in 1664 Stokes was recalled to the navy as captain of the Triumph , but he fell ill soon afterwards and died in Portsmouth 11 February 1665 .
11 In many respects the issue has provided the main vehicle for articulating a series of debates about how the state , via its social workers , responds to the needs of children more generally and intervenes in the private sphere of the family in particular ( Parton , 1985 ; Frost , 1989 ) .
12 When returning the book the card is signed once more and replaced in the book .
13 At the Battle of Stirling Bridge , he took the field against Wallace but , when he saw how the battle was proceeding , changed sides once more and shared in the Scottish victory .
14 During the week I 'd get home late and sleep in the spare room — ‘ so as not to disturb her ’ .
15 But there is one redeeming feature : directly ahead and growing in stature with every stride or turn of the wheels , is the serrated and exciting skyline of An Teallach , a mountain supreme .
16 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
17 The worst bit was to come , when the steamer rolled over and took in water over her bulwarks at one side , then rolled straight over and took in water over her bulwarks at the other side .
18 I went straight upstairs and stood in the middle of my bedroom .
19 By turns spiralling slowly upwards and sighing in resignation , it was already a much-loved concert piece before its use in the films The Elephant Man and Platoon gave it even greater popularity .
20 A major new venue for live music is now up and running in Bangor .
21 However , since I was very keen , I decided to go even better and invest in a macro lens .
22 He inserted the key almost furtively and stood in the small vestibule and smelt the place — floor polish mixed with the bitter scent of chrysanthemums in a blue bowl .
23 It is common to turn the bureau telephone answering machine on with the recorded message that an adviser is not available to take the call and the potential client should call again later or come in person to the bureau .
24 The two hedgers and ditchers were flat out and snoring in the corner pew .
25 He greeted her very warmly and blushed in the sweetest way when she gave him a sisterly kiss .
26 But while the show is now safely up and running in the theatre , there 's still plenty to do to keep it that way .
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