Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 " There are places up there where he could have been put in all right without attracting too much attention . "
2 It 's all right for going out .
3 They are not being used for spending , much less for spending on newly produced goods and services .
4 This is more expensive to buy , but the torch part is lighter to handle than a blowlamp and you do n't have to worry so much about running out of gas halfway through a job .
5 That 's wonderful and thank you so much for coming today .
6 Tell me , why wait so long before coming here ? ’
7 It reawakened his curiosity , the fact that Blackbeard had been willing to hand them all over for getting back a wallet that otherwise contained only a letter .
8 They had their own windows with dark blue oil-cloth roller-blinds through which Dot could see into the compartment of the train alongside just like looking over at a next-door house .
9 For instance you could n't , like nowadays , tighten up a slack scene where people were n't picking up their cues so quickly by cutting out a few pauses here and there .
10 The sturdy Scot , who came so close to doing precisely that at Pebble Beach 12 months ago , is convinced the gruelling par-70 course demands wonderful , long iron play .
11 So far from wiping out vice , whether in public or private , social-purity legislation almost certainly merely contributed to changing its form .
12 It seemed to him that he had come so far in discovering so much about his problem but was unable to bring about any substantial change .
13 Mr Sangster 's filly Musicale overcame several obstacles to retain her unbeaten record in yesterday 's Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling Stakes and is now a best-priced 6–1 favourite for the 1,000 Guineas on April 30 , although Coral 's reacted extremely cautiously by offering just 3–1 .
14 So simply by carrying on your premium payments at the same level , the DOUBLE PAYOUT PLAN will give you continuing protection for the rest of your life .
15 Measuring by the impressive stint of ‘ Winona ’ in the indie charts , luck and genuine love is with Drop Nineteens , so maybe by staying away they 've just been incredibly clever , holding back 'til the slaying 's stopped .
16 You can compensate for using more time working a really special border and so on by speeding up on the main sections .
17 Feelings of xenophobia — a fear or hatred of the foreigner — can so readily by whipped up , turning friendly sporting occasions when the ‘ hype ’ has been too great , when the passions have run too high and the pervading atmosphere has been too intense .
18 RAUNCHY EX-MODEL , 17 YEARS , looking for a gorgeous , mad lad who enjoys a good laugh and good dance at a ’ wild ’ club ’ So how about checking out a club one night in Nottingham/Derby/Leicester area followed by ’ a coffee ’ ! '
19 A major step in evolution was taken when cells that had been produced by successive splittings stuck together instead of going off independently .
20 R. E. Kaske puts it extremely neatly by claiming only for the Miller 's Tale an " " implicit orientation " " towards " " a controlling set of [ moral and religious ] values " " creating a framework within which , ultimately , the actions within the tale and the actions of writing , telling and reading the tale , are to be evaluated .
21 A few clouds drifted above , forming only briefly before dissolving again .
22 So instead of renting out the planes from the Blue Max museum , the team came up with a plan to use them in their own production .
23 Unfortunately , sound waves at this frequency are quite long , and so instead of bouncing off small objects , they simply pass around them .
24 ( 20 December 1777 ) So instead of moving on to Paris before the winter set in , the Mozarts remained in Mannheim .
25 So instead of waiting indefinitely for a buyer , they have decided to try selling their house by auction .
26 A rumour that he was casting 100 children went round St James 's School in Church Street , so instead of going straight home the girl pupils nipped off to the audition .
27 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
28 But the insert cap had stuck to the outer cap of the bottle and had come off — so instead of adding just a couple of drops , half the contents of the bottle went in .
29 This led , through X The Unknown ( 1957 ) , which parodies the complacency of the authorities towards the radiation threat and Quatermass 2 ( 1957 ) , in which the visiting monsters come much closer to taking over the world , to the cycle of horror films that started with The Curse of Frankenstein ( 1956 ) , moving away from immediate contemporary concerns towards mythological narratives that touched some of the same fears and terrors .
30 And now I sha n't need you again this evening , so apart from looking in on Anna from time to time , you may do just as you please . ’
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