Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They do n't rate freedom especially highly and their drinking habits are the most modest in our sample .
2 Their noses bumped gently together and their mouths tasted and explored and caressed hungrily .
3 Well everyone 'll do it , everyone did go home eventually and their wages , cos there was there was two of us , I told you did n't I , there was two of us that worked it out .
4 Here eyes were huge and set very far apart and their colour changed every time I saw her .
5 She stayed quite still and their eyes met .
6 i ) It is congruent with the traditional fungal taxonomy and with phylogenetic trees of fungi based on nuclear SSUrRNA data : the two pyrenomycetes ( P.anserina and N.crassa ) branch very closely together and their distance to A.nidulans , a representative of the plectomycetes , is shorter than that to S.cerevisiae , belonging to the endomycetes. ii ) The position of P.wickerhamii is unexpectedly closer to S.cerevisiae than to all other ascomycetes , whereas the distance between S.cerevisiae and P.wickerhamii lies in the same range as that between the two ascomycetes , S.cerevisiae and A.nidulans .
7 Birds become dehydrated very quickly and their water supplies soon run out , they are crammed together so tightly that their body heat is suffocating and the unlucky ones die .
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