Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not many viewers can have realised that this was a deft parody of the catastrophic visit of Mike 's ‘ uni-mates ’ a week or so ago that ended in Bron cruelly dumping him just before his psychology exam .
2 It was to take several years and unexpected pressures before general progress in this direction was achieved , but it is important to remember that there were views being canvassed in the CNAA and more widely that pointed towards a possible further ‘ collective resolution ’ .
3 ‘ I am honestly not that bothered about the finances of it all , ’ he said .
4 His voice was scarcely louder than the faint London hum of traffic far away that came through the window .
5 At this stage in their careers employees enjoy salaries which are about twice that received in their early twenties ( i.e. referring to their ‘ real ’ earnings when allowance has been made for inflation , etc . ) .
6 Evans ' team mates are sure to believe that he was tempted into French RU by the pay , reputedly twice that earned by League players there .
7 It is a remarkable fact , Mr Hopkins , that the argument used by the serpent to seduce Eve from her allegiance to her Creator is almost precisely that used by the Editor of The Times : " Ye shall be as GODS , knowing good and evil " … that is , as wise as God Himself ! "
8 The white marble figure of Bacchus now in the ilex walk at Ham House in Richmond , for example , is almost certainly that mentioned in a 1672 inventory — ‘ For 1 Pedastall for ye figure Bacchus ’ .
9 Under a series of bilateral co-operation agreements ( most recently that signed in 1988 — see p. 36206 ) Brazil and Argentina had increased the volume of trade between them , to the extent that Brazil had replaced the United States as Argentina 's largest trading partner .
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