Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] i [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 So obviously I have the ‘ Stitch World ’ book with pictures of all the patterns that are built into this machine .
2 He says I have n't got you working long longer I worked the bigger the pension I have when I go out .
3 Could I just say , that erm , the record of the erm issues of re-grading , longer hours , and so forth I noted the comments made on it .
4 Committed halfway up I twigged the mass of tat on the belay above the crack — the smart money abseiled off .
5 Much later I recited the story of ‘ my day in search of a morgue , to a friend who runs a residential home on the south coast .
6 ‘ Guaranteed Not To Split ’ , it said on it — which was just as well as much later I had the initial idea for ‘ Anarchy ’ while messing around on it .
7 So now I know the work but I do n't know the pleasure . ’
8 I did my hair first thing , so now I untie the ribbon and shake it free .
9 Every so often I stood the treat .
10 Heavily loaded brushes precisely placed always leave behind smooth , compacted paint , so here I maintained the ‘ breathable ’ quality by allowing the first layer of blue to dry , before applying another slightly different hue in the same way
11 I am above them , so high I hear the small birds sing below me .
12 I followed him , Lily , and then — I could n't believe it — I saw where he 'd a desk key hidden , so then I put the books down sudden , and bent double .
13 It was only when I heard the crowd roar I knew it was in , ’ he said .
14 It was only when I entered the Arab quarter , a network of dusty roads and wastelands of rubble interspersed with a few small houses just south of the city , that a Palestinian remembered the name .
15 It was only when I dissected the heart , this afternoon , that its significance struck me .
16 We have n't got the cash to do that so therefore I think the criteria must be , have we got funding before we embark on advertising .
17 Which is why just now I used the word " ideally " .
18 Somehow then I found the strength to roll away , dragging my boots away from the clutch of the pile 's soggy depths .
19 I had no time to find out , because just then I heard the noise of the drawbridge coming down .
20 Just then I heard the coach and I said , " Here it comes , boys . "
21 Just then I noticed the housekeeper putting a dish on the table .
22 Right away then I got the feeling something was going on .
23 Just recently I got the gown out to lend to a neighbour , ’ Jean says .
24 Once more I sense the evil in our midst .
25 Once again I challenge the Minister to address the Southampton example .
26 Once again I had the feeling that what my father had said to me in the garden could all be some horrible trick .
27 Once again I stress the wisdom of working backwards , step by step , from the ideal long-term plan into which each new building is slotted in its turn .
28 Once again I felt the mysterious pleasure of being in an elevated Oxford chamber at night , among cloud and star , — so that I seemed to join in the inevitable motion of the planets , — and as I saw the sea of roofs and horned turrets and spires I knew that , although architecture is a dead language , here at least it speaks strongly and clearly , pompous as Latin , subtle as Greek .
29 Once again I bought the suite first and decided to decorate the room around it , this time taking birds and blue as my themes . ’
30 Rather apprehensively I let the other girls use it , on the strict understanding that when they had finished with it they unplugged it and stowed it away somewhere out of sight of our two gauleiters , hopefully after it had cooled down a bit .
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