Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Successive governments have been very careful to ensure that the benefits bought from a pension fund are taxed only once and strictly as deferred earned income .
2 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
3 FEW companies have fallen so far and fast as IBM .
4 If their hours of work can also be limited to less than 16 hours a week , then these workers will also fall outside the employment protection legislation , which means they can be used even more flexibly and cheaply as they then forgo rights to certain occupational benefits ( which now comprise a further 9 per cent of labour costs ) .
5 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
6 But Deana 's persecution , continued more subtly and covertly as the days went by , had left its sting , and she began to wonder if living in the nurses ' home was really the right thing .
7 D. A. I used to be on an adjoining beat in Cressington Park and I started at the park gates at one side of the road and there was a policeman on the other side of the road — you would n't cross the road to talk to him … you were n't allowed to talk to the public — that was gossiping , idling your time , failing to work your beat — three charges straight away and soon as the sergeant reported you .
8 The counsellor should try to achieve a more equitable balance by enabling the weaker individual to present feelings and needs as coherently and forcefully as possible , perhaps by clarifying and expanding on what is said .
9 Then , as slowly and deliberately as before , Macmillan drew from an inside pocket of his coat a smallish piece of paper and raised it to within a couple of inches of his right eye .
10 Finally , we plan to draft a letter to the churches of North America , communicating the meaning and effect of this Consultation … so that its learnings and imperatives and resulting activities can be brought to bear as powerfully and quickly as possible .
11 If you must interrupt , do so as gently and courteously as possible .
12 The morning stirred in the trees and interrupted the sleep of stem and leaf and fruit and blossom as gently and efficiently as a mother lifting the cover from her child 's bed and blowing on her face in play to wake her .
13 He started the engine as gently and quietly as possible .
14 She had taken to her marriage-bed , therefore , a certain natural innocence and all the ignorance considered essential to her station , of which Tristan had relieved her as gently and pleasantly as he had been able , his passion lacking the intensity which might , on those honeymoon nights , have alarmed her ; being , instead , a lighthearted matter , full of the nonchalant reflections of the man himself .
15 We may not want it but the government is going to demand it and we as custodians of the services on the part of the people of Cambridge , are going to have to do as sensibly and sensitively as possible .
16 Making for home as swiftly and inconspicuously as possible , no doubt .
17 He knew Marshka would destroy him as effortlessly and unthinkingly as shelling peas .
18 To avoid this happening to me , I am being careful to describe what I saw as exactly and carefully as possible .
19 In fact , in her continuing ‘ effort to be objective ’ , O'Keeffe based more and more of her imagery on observable forms in nature , and she represented them as exactly and precisely as she could .
20 The tentacle came out of her body as easily and unendingly as a roll tape measure .
21 While Gemma , who had never thought very much about it , her own education having come to her just as easily and plentifully as soap and hot water and extremely private sanitary arrangements , had found it something to think about now , when any new thought would have been welcome .
22 Yet the case is rarely put as calmly and pragmatically as this .
23 However , until that stage is reached , all we can do is to ensure that the animals whose flesh we devour are given the best possible lifestyle and are then despatched as quickly and painlessly as possible .
24 But though Catherine was clearly disappointed by its failure to produce a new code of laws as quickly and easily as she had hoped , and perhaps not very reluctant to end its activities , there is no doubt of the sincerity of her motives in calling it .
25 An essential part of the research process is to be able to locate the data required as quickly and easily as possible .
26 She would concentrate on the job in hand instead , and get it done as quickly and cleanly as possible .
27 The job of the buyers is to assess the health needs of people in their area and then see that those needs are met as quickly and effectively as possible .
28 In general , DCSLs attempt to complete the proposal and book selection phases in Minor schools as quickly and effectively as possible , in the knowledge that similar processes in their Major schools are likely to be more lengthy , complex and demanding of staff time and resources .
29 The efficiency of biological effluent treatment depends purely on whether or not the bugs do their job properly , digesting as much carbon material as quickly and effectively as possible .
30 Keep going forward ? attacking all the time ; try to overwhelm him as quickly and finally as possible .
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