Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Visitors for the school or Matthew could press either of the little buttons marked Inquiries above their names and step right in and wait for attention .
2 In freezing temperatures and light snowfall , the enthusiastic and emotional crowd in Sofia heard Bulgaria 's most radical demands so far and called for the ousted leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , to stand trial for fraud and mismanagement .
3 ‘ No-one expected Rovers to be doing so well and challenging for the League , ’ he admitted .
4 If the sole purpose of bringing an action for a money claim is to obtain such consent , the particulars of claim need state the case only briefly and ask for approval ( Ord 10 , r 10 ) .
5 The Waste was utterly still and save for the dark Tower in the centre utterly empty ; the birds which enlivened the forest avoided it , the morning sun , shining obliquely across it , lit the Tower down one side leaving the other in deepest shadow .
6 Oh ! to fly away seaward and dream for a little by its shores !
7 Push and stretch that upper arm just a little further and hold for 1 second .
8 Now push and stretch that arm just a little further and hold for 1 second .
9 Push and stretch that arm just a little further and hold for 1 second .
10 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
11 And if one moved like the wind in branches , the other 's motion was a tower falling , a frightening , uncoordinated progression in which he seemed to crash forward uncontrollably at each stride , jerking himself stiffly upright and swaying for a moment on his heels before the next toppling step .
12 The results of the study should enable prison managers , policy-makers and Parliament to monitor prisons more efficiently and to plan for prison reform more effectively .
13 As she watched , a small car drove slowly past and made for a cottage at the far end and on the other side of the narrow track .
14 Jerking the trigger instead of squeezing it with a steady pressure , meant the gun muzzle being pulled slightly down and left for the first shot .
15 At a future review conference — such conferences will occur every few years in the Community — it might be desirable to go even further and press for a clause in the Community body of law that makes it crystal clear that all powers that are not specifically allocated to the Community should remain as of right with the member states , as is the case in the American constitution .
16 The normal daily routine involved getting up at around 6am and stopping for a long lunch at midday in order to avoid the most intense heat .
17 I used to come up quite often and stay for a couple of days and just revel in meeting high-spirited people who did n't care about university politics .
18 In May 1529 , Henry decided to wait no longer and arranged for Wolsey to hear the case under his own legatine authority at a court at Blackfriars in London .
19 It was the Parish Council themselves who had to consider things very quickly and go for what they could best endeavour but you c er I ca n't see how that can be used to nullify the general view of the public of South Milford and the other parishes .
20 It was very encouraging , however , that several of the younger players did very well and challenged for test places .
21 Psychoanalysis had evolved into a highly therapeutic undertaking , which was very very and institutionalized for therapy , and the black books had already been blackened , as it were .
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