Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] you 've " in BNC.

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1 It 's all right if you 've got a nice landlord who 'll wait for the payment to come through .
2 ‘ Anyhow , it does n't really matter what you use so long as you 've got the right top . ’
3 ‘ Back home in Australia , you can play for my university there , Queensland , for ever , so long as you 've been there at some time .
5 That 's capitalism and you , so long as you 've got buyers and sellers you get this antagonism of interest between buyers and sellers .
6 So long as you 've enough to buy a meal ;
7 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
8 So just because you 've got those it does n't mean that 's what you are and that 's the way you 're always going to be it 'll change and it 'll change as time goes on it change as your role changes .
9 You 'll enjoy the holiday much more if you 've been to France and faced your ghosts . ’
10 These are all the relaxing ones now so Also if you 've got them on breathe deeply .
11 So now that you 've gone
12 So now that you 've had time to think things through , what conclusion have you come to ? ’
13 So even if you 've got an XT with a mere 640Kb of RAM you can now have TrueType fonts .
14 So it 's two pound anyway so if you 've got four quid spare between us .
15 The only thing that I said was erm that Tony told us that you keep your game tonight so that you 've got a friend any time you want .
16 When you try and take away more than you 've got .
17 You saw her just now and you 've been engaged less than twenty-four hours !
18 Put yo put your foot up y it 's about time for Home and Away now so you 've got ta get that on
19 Anyway — ’ She looked down on her partly eaten meal and her nose wrinkled before she went on , ‘ I 've got to go downstairs again , and you 'd better clear away here when you 've finished , then go into Mother and see if you can soothe her ruffled feathers .
20 I can honestly say that the most painful bit of going to the blood donors is the next day when you come to rip the sticky plaster off your arm ( even more so if you 've got as much hair as Arthur Upton ! ) so , if you 've never been — give it a go .
21 We guarantee you will sleep more soundly , more peacefully , more comfortably than you 've ever done before .
22 Well they 'll lift further up when you 've got your
23 You 'll think more clearly after you 've had a break . ’
24 It does n't it 's not like back where you 've got C K at the end because there 's the S in front of it as well it 's ask .
25 And then come home here if you 've got any homework do it take a sandwich .
26 Two things to do with you today mainly one is to whip through at least part of the isomers work and , I say part of it because you 'll be coming back to other parts of it a bit later on when you 've , for example , we 'll coming back to erm , isomers work .
27 So you never felt I mean presumably you never felt that yourself and therefore and also perhaps if you 've never come across Fair enough .
28 Yeah if keep keep it sort o erm alphabetically okay so you 've got the As then the Bs the the Cs depending on which letter the word starts with .
29 Right now if you 've got your application form , you 've got a C V there as well have n't you ?
30 Right now as you 've seen you 're , you 're quite erm covered in most departments there but as you 've seen today that er you would like that extra bit of life cover for yourself
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