Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly they provide a safe passage for women living through the most traumatic encounter they are ever likely to have with men , the law and the state .
2 And from somewhere inside she felt a spurt of rebellious determination .
3 Right , what we 're now going to do is incorporate that dummy variable as the regressor in our model as an explanatory variable , so what 's going to happen is that that dummy variable is turned off , alright in the first part of the sample right up until the war that dummy variable 's going to be off , right so it has a value of zero , right , then in nineteen forty through to nineteen forty five it 's switched on and what it 's going to do is to pick up any differential effects , right , in the intercept between wartime and peacetime right , we 'll talk a little bit more , more about that in a second , we 're going to add it in as a regressor , right , because it only comes on during the wartime it will pick up any shift in the intercept , right , that occurs due to the war if there is one , of course there may not be but it 's quite likely that there , there may well be , so if you type Q to come out of the data processing environment , go back to the action menu and test estimate forecast okay at the dialog box just add D one to your list of explanatory variables , alright then press the end key , right , yeah we 're gon na use the full sample right , we gon na use O L S , right you have now estimated the model with this dummy variable now just to see what 's happened to those coefficients the er incoming elasticity was at nought point six is now doubled right to one point one four more importantly , right , its T ratio has jumped from one point eight five right to six point eight , as a result , we now say that the incoming elasticity , the income coefficients , right , the significant zero , it 's important to explain the textiles as such the er , we are now getting a very different estimate for our
4 Right so it shows a Silverstone motor racing circuit
5 And then we had the er the battledress was issued , the khaki , and erm we was had our head headquarters were started , the headquarters were started in an office at , one of the office rooms at the at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company by the , the top offices we used to call them , by the gates , we had one of the rooms there for and it eventually became the armoury when we got some equipment because rifles etcetera was in very short supply after Dun Dunkirk So eventually we had a few rifles and er when the er we got a few rifles and er the sirens went it was the practice at the beginning when the sirens went in this area for everything to stop and everyone down the shelter but it happened four or five times , everybody realized how non-productive this was , that the time that was lost and there was nothing happening in this area so it was decided by the R T B that we , the , the people off the shop floor would n't stop work until the attack was really imminent or it had started because if this , this was happening all over the Midlands area and of course if you , if you multiply that by the number of people at work you can imagine how much production was lost erm and also when the sirens went Major at the factory used to get the chappies out from off the shop floor , get the few rifles we 'd got , take we in to King George 's playing fields there was a , a brook running across King George 's playing fields then , it had n't and a trench which was extended to stop er aircraft from landing in King George 's cos it was just a big open space .
6 What happened was that I mean you made curtains er the rusty red was affected by light , so eventually you got a curtain where where the red spots had been there were holes .
7 So eventually I got a temporary job , er in ni end of sixty , which lasted til er February sixty one .
8 Archie Hart 's suit filled and perhaps incautiously he made a dash for the shelter of some dunes , where he hoped to drain it out .
9 Oddly enough , I found that I could keep the port wing up for a considerable time and , as I lost flying speed and I came nearer and nearer to the Engineering Wing area , the port wing happily stayed in the air until my speed was very low indeed and then gradually — and I did not think of this — one ( and only one ) of the prop blades gently ploughed into the rather soft earth , My port wing was still in the air , and ever so gently we made a beautiful semi-turn to port .
10 It is not only the less sprightly who use a kneeling stool in the garden .
11 Halfway along he unlocked a garage and let the door slide up to reveal a newish Range Rover .
12 Now whether it made a lot of difference or no , I could n't tell you , but they believed it er the set of tools they had were the best in the yard , you know , so obviously they took a wee bit of pride in them and looked after them .
13 So suddenly you had a house all of your own !
14 And then all of a sudden after so long you saw a new Alf .
15 ‘ I 've been away so long I felt a bit like the new boy walking into the old school when I arrived at the studio for Carry On Columbus , ’ he admits .
16 Er but what I become , I thought you might become more confrontational but you did n't so so you dug a hole for yourself that you could 've dug out of you sat in there but I think you handled that quite well , but there are people like me out there who think they know it all and will have a go at you .
17 Now they should be be perfectly plain , straight and we got a t I got a true cut on eighteen inches with a a Mr was so so he made a special report on erm what I 'd done .
18 You see , I happened to be born in this house , so naturally I take a rather personal interest in its occupants . ’
19 So naturally he travels a great deal , and is in demand as a consultant wherever Roman sites are being excavated .
20 Only tonight we had a row and said things .
21 So soon you forget a passion , ’ said Boris .
22 Thus ‘ good ’ , ‘ bad ’ , ‘ ought ; , ‘ right ’ , ‘ wrong ’ have primarily valuational meanings , at least in a properly ethical use of them , while words like ‘ brave ’ , ‘ lazy ’ , ‘ rude ’ , ‘ selfish ’ , ‘ considerate ’ , and so forth which have a much more settled descriptive meaning , have a partly valuational meaning .
23 Only yesterday he received a letter from Mr Clinton thanking him for his support .
24 There was no sign of his jacket but there was a second door to the room so probably he had a private bathroom and clothes closet as well .
25 I 'm not sure how the connection was made , in that I build canoes ( wooden canoes-wood — dog sled ? ) , but a week or so later I had a set of plans .
26 Erm th that 's the main er so overall you had a net gain in fact to erm U S profits er Camco erm I think less than that erm Camco 's profits to were spread fairly broadly geographically er as you do know it does operate as you do rightly point out erm pretty much everywhere else and it 's erm featured both in South America and Asia 's decline and Africa , but not in Europe .
27 So now yu hav a house
28 So now we have a Prowler .
29 So now we have a supervisor every day .
30 So now you want a bulb to go in there now .
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