Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Especially so when housing and jobs are in such short supply for those who already live here .
2 This is only partly because digging and operating deep mines is , in itself , extremely difficult .
3 The bond 's conditions did not allow for this , so even if bought and transferred at less than par between individuals , they had to be redeemed by the Club in full .
4 I 'm very surprised your attitude is that we should cover it up and hide it away rather than try and elucidate its value for science .
5 ‘ I am Swiss , ’ said Elsa , backing away nervously and turning and fleeing to Gooseneck .
6 And it was one of those such nights that at half past seven I 'd just got most of the fires set and ready to er er just on and going and I 'd half an hour to get everything straightened and ready for eight o'clock opening , and the door at the back went , which was where the office used to be .
7 Childline North West , which will be officially launched later this month , is already up and running and receiving some 300 calls a day .
8 But Basil encouraged and even found some tiny portion of my painting which could be developed though he agreed that I might copy more easily than imagine and he gave me a mounted butterfly to draw .
9 The aim of the training is to help the individual to think more adaptively and to develop and improve their performance in any particular task .
10 I want to go home now and think and think about all the things I 've heard this afternoon . ’
11 Yep he would get up early tomorrow and go and see her .
12 Thus it is necessary to examine the cell more closely and to try and understand its internal programme and how it responds to external signals .
13 Studies previous to the Sadler/Spencer survey have concentrated , for the most part , on attitudes to domestic energy conservation , in an attempt to discover why programmes aimed at promoting conservation have not been taken up as widely as expected and hoped .
14 The programme of work is now all but completed and the future of this initiative is under review .
15 Already in November 1941 , the SD was reporting ‘ disappointment that the final smashing of Bolshevism is not taking place as rapidly as hoped and that no end of the eastern campaign is in sight ’ , a dampening of optimism at the news of the first falls of snow and the feeling that further advancement might be extremely difficult , puzzlement at the failure to advance further when the Russian troops were allegedly so poor and so badly equipped , concern at the reports of continued tough resistance of the Soviet army , and pessimism that ‘ the way to the Urals was still a long one , and the partisan war could still last a good while ’ .
16 The Office is now up and running and is beginning to provide support to alumni in a number of ways .
17 said : ‘ I am delighted that it is now up and running and I am confident we have done justice to the concept . ’
18 Welcome back : The hit musical Barnum , starring Paul Nicholas , is now up and running and playing to packed houses at the Apollo theatre in Oxford .
19 In all my years on newspapers , I 've never gone as far as breaking and entering .
20 Disk-resident MIBs will be able to be loaded and activated dynamically as well as unloaded and de-activated in order to free memory .
21 Disk-resident MIBs will be able to be loaded and activated dynamically as well as unloaded and de-activated in order to free memory .
22 After capture at Tobruk as a chaplain he listened as well as lectured and poured himself out as father , brother and friend , empathising with the religious difficulties of his fellow prisoners which gnawed away at the rigid Anglo-Catholicism of more sheltered days .
23 The end came even earlier than planned and in May 1968 the OCU ceased flying from Bassingbourn saying farewell to this historic station on the 19th and flying to their new home at Cottesmore .
24 Often they stay quite still when disturbed and for some time afterwards , making it even more difficult to spot them .
25 It also recommends NFA quite often and recommends and provides rather fewer alternative services .
26 If the police are here they make you go right round and sit and wait .
27 Let's not chance that decision , let's all move forward together and cooperate and make it work .
28 He came through the door , and he shut it behind him again quietly and turned and gave Caterina a peach .
29 " He summoned a meeting , where a simple plan was very simply found : since they had nothing left but their lives and their bodies , they chose to die nobly rather than to betray and abandon their king " .
30 She 's very muddly and disorganized and I can see so clearly where she falls wrong … when I lived at home it was always a bit of a nightmare because I was always trying to get things straight .
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