Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He regarded the Prime Minister 's unfastidious use of the honours system as the most obviously shocking but by no means necessarily the most dangerous manifestation of the system .
2 Jo 's godfather , Harry , the director of This Girl 's Army , would come late , sometimes drunk and alone , sometimes a little less drunk and with a girl .
3 I had expected Gillis to be long since dead or at best a doddering ninety-year-old .
4 ‘ How ’ , he asked , ‘ can Mussolini send the boys to fight in a country where the winters are so incredibly cold and for which the Italian Army , even the Alpini , are so badly equipped ?
5 Like a small Herring Gull ( p. 151 ) , but adult easily separated by yellow-green legs and bill ; bill much less stout and with no red spot near tip .
6 Which perhaps not revolutionary but to me it was er it was but of all these things that er we 've done lots of things you know , but the thing that I , that stands out in my memory is is that er it 'd be about nineteen forty eight , there was a a one of the old members who I worked with was , lived alone and he was very ill .
7 At times it seemed a bit strange to have a university degree and be working so physically hard but in many ways those three years were a very good period .
8 The early divisions of the mouse embryo seem much more sloppy and between the 8- and 16-cell stages the surface of the clump of cells becomes smooth and at the 32-cell stage there is a single layer of cells enclosing some cells on the inside .
9 If , however , the service is seen as a social institution , with aims which were , to a large extent , independent of market organization , then it is possible to see it as much more successful and of far greater significance .
10 It must surely be much more pleasant and by no means as painful to work with friendly and docile ferrets .
11 In particular , what about the point that people like to appear much more rational and in command of affairs than it sometimes seems from an outside viewpoint they really are ?
12 By a small adjustment , however , we can greatly improve our relationship and make the cat feel much more comfortable and at ease in our presence .
13 Section 7 reversed the situation and placed the onus of proof on the accused to prove his innocence — a requirement which in most instances would be much more difficult and in some would be impossible .
14 But much more detailed and as a result not only of about twelve days ' training which we 've undertaken in that area with the management team , or various of them , but also of our experience over the last eighteen months in operating it .
15 Following the principle of decorum ( to be found , for instance , in Horace 's Ars Poetica ) , the classical view was that the style which dealt with serious matters had to be non-realistic , in the sense of systematically eliminating references to everyday life and using a type of language much more elaborate and re fined than that of everyday usage ; non-serious subjects could be dealt with realistically , in ordinary language , but on no account could the different levels of style be mixed together .
16 At the higher levels , the syllabus is necessarily more complex and in Directions , the fourth book in the series , the standard unit format is the double page spread .
17 The argument is that school-leavers are mainly only temporarily unemployed and in the first few months of work are likely to switch jobs as they search for the ones that suit them best .
18 I would class him as one of the promising youngsters ( he is only about 21 and on the verge of the Norway team ) Remember Standli is Wilko 's ‘ most exciting ’ signing since he got Hirst for Sheff Wed .
19 She was normally so cool and in command in the presence of men , but he made her feel gauche .
20 And it 's certainly not available in sufficient detail for for all of the sectors to make a fair comparison and I think Mr has made this point in in when you 've questioned him a number of times today that the information is just not available or to hand to make to make that comparison .
21 Everything is just totally dry and in your face and I like that . ’
22 Although this bone does not yield any absolute sexing criteria , it may be noted that the male clavicle is generally more robust and on average over 1 cm longer than the female ( Parsons , 1916 ) .
23 Three three would have been just about right but with just four minutes to go Wycombe went and won it …
24 Three three would have been just about right but with just four minutes to go Wycombe went and won it …
25 Legally not strictly a cow , but just as strange and with a Glasgow connection is this next item .
26 They could be just as ruthless and at least they had most of the military advantages : a thorough knowledge of the countryside , the support of most of the people , and a cause to fight for .
27 In condemning such acts of desecration , I am of the opinion that the only exception that could be made is in the case of books already seriously incomplete and in bad condition , when the completion of its unhappy disintegration may be forgivable .
28 A are you still intending to favour internal spending vis-a-vis acquisition opportunities on the basis that acquisitions are just too overpriced or with the eleven percent gearing do you think you will be er jumping at the bit a bit fairly soon ?
29 The QR method is thus very powerful and of quite general applicability ; it is probably the most popular technique on modern main-frame computers for the evaluation of eigenvalues of non-symmetric matrices .
30 The soil on which rainforests grow is generally very poor but despite this , rainforests flourish because of the heat and the rain and the continual decay of vegetation that occurs on the ground .
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