Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right so to get back to what I gave you , you 'll take three off .
2 ‘ Though will you be all right driving back on your own ? ’ she fretted .
3 ‘ I realised if I wanted to get back to where I had been , it was perhaps better going back to North and starting off there again . ’
4 Well we 've always wanted to have a go at windsurfing ; visit Ibiza Town … or perhaps just climb back onto that sunbed !
5 A quick reminder , many people will know , but a quick reminder and er , if you 've perhaps just come back from holiday yourself , or you 're one of our new listeners , you may not know so I 'll tell you , Douglas Cameron 's Breakfast Call , this very programme , will be breaking new ground at the end of next month .
6 So just going back to these 'ates , sulphate has got sulphur and oxygen in it , a carbonate has got what ?
7 a point at the moment , with the life of the county , I think that we should great potential and great opportunity available to us , and I do hope that all members will er , and I 've written to all our members of parliament with a copy of my letter , er , I had I 've had er , I know it 's been the Christmas period , and that they 're only just getting back into things , and there 's been a lot of diversions at length , and I do have a letter from , er I heard from er , Edward , er , Mr Edward Lee , and and , I still have to hear it from er , the rest of them .
8 I thought you only just got back from you homeymoon … ’
9 Especially since I 'd only just arrived back from Paris . ’
10 Davis Cup nerves certainly got to them as they started their defence of a trophy they had only just won back for the first time since 1932 but full marks to the British challengers who gave of their best in terms of commitment and attitude .
11 But he admitted : ‘ It is a crashing diappointment for Rob because he had only just come back into the side — and his return coincided with two successive clean sheets . ’
12 And Rodger has only just come back from three weeks ' rehabilitation at Lilleshall .
13 I 've only just got back to the UK ’ He looked around him .
14 ‘ I 've only just got back to my room and picked up your message .
15 I have n't had time to think yet , I 've only just got back in on the phone and sorting out the printer .
16 Of course , we have only just got back from our honeymoon . ’
17 He did not think there would be any point in Sara travelling to Wellingham that evening , especially as she had only just got back from abroad .
18 Hello er , I 'm phoning on behalf of Mrs Ada er she 's got to come in for a scan on the fourth of February , nine o'clock , now we 've only just got back from the hospital today , cos she oh , she had to go today for one , yeah , and we 've just
19 Yet evolutionary science also pointed to the precariousness of moral progress-how it could so easily slip back into animal chaos .
20 Official energy pronouncements , whatever their other shortcomings , have hitherto always fallen back on ‘ national security ’ as their ultimate justification .
21 However , they are so often held back with comments such as ‘ you are too young ’ , ‘ we can not trust you ’ , ‘ your time will come ’ — time and time again I have heard the same complaint by those who have achieved their goals at an early age .
22 Although women were proportionately less successful than men in being elected ( 24% of them came first as against 35% of men ) , 1990 resumed the upward trend in female participation in local elections which had been so strangely set back in 1988 .
23 Bernard brushed his hands together then walked back to the door .
24 She could be pretty , she decided , if her hair were not so tightly scraped back from her face and if her eyes shone with eagerness , as they did at this moment .
25 But he was n't ready yet to go back to his home and rummage around for documents .
26 Only when they were returning home in the dusk did James say , ‘ You 'll be right not to come back to Bewick .
27 A Formalist/Prague School approach thus necessarily projects back onto earlier literature the aesthetic standards peculiar to the modern age .
28 In terms of the definition of er what is historic York I think again an issue we went over for some length of time at the greenbelt inquiry , I would draw your attention back to my earlier comments that York is basically a modern industrial city with a very precious historic core , that historic core er represents no more than actually five percent of the built up area , that something like eighty five percent of the city was built after eighteen hundred , the view that was expressed by the County in N Y Two , in terms of the definition of the greenbelt , the Greater York greenbelt and its purposes was not accepted by the City Council , we do not accept that all of the func elements of the York greenbelt contribute towards preserving the character of the historic city , we rely on the the fact that the two comments the Senior Inspector made at this , the the green wedges and historic core itself that establish the historic character of the city , there are many parts of the edge of York which could repli be replicated in many cities , historic or otherwise around the country and finally just coming back to the issue of scale of development erm the point I should have made earlier about the house builders figures for the city of York is that the house builders did suggest a figure of four thousand for the city , erm , I 'm not aware on what basis that was made , but clearly my evidence would quite clearly indicate that I believe that could not be accommodated , certainly on any known sites within the cit current city boundary , thank you Chair .
29 Doctor see about this hair of mine , it 's just not coming back in .
30 Blue watchers are saying that IBM chief John Akers will be out by March or April and that the company in its infinite wisdom will give the job to one of those retired IBMers it just just brought back from the pasture , probably Kaspar Cassoni .
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