Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] could [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If only I could spell resources , number of resources .
2 so I could swap tapes over .
3 Then perhaps she could think things through and decide what to do .
4 Perhaps you could try waders , ’ suggested Preston .
5 You see in those days i people i servants were so you could get servants so easily ev even if you did n't have somebody living in er you , you 'd have a daily person .
6 I would like to hear from any other readers who share my interest in exotic foliage plants and perhaps we could swap cuttings and propagating material .
7 From inside we could hear screams of ‘ please , open the door ! ’
8 The market mechanism fails to provide a means whereby workers can signal to firms that they would demand more goods and services if only they could get jobs and so have more money to spend .
9 whereas he 's got ta he says just one round here so they could make decisions for you .
10 If only he could accept things without question .
11 Mr Baker also claimed the Government had done all it could to make cars safe .
12 The mist looked as though it had been created by the BBC special effects department for a studio play about Jack the Ripper , and yards away I could hear voices without being able to see the humans making the sound .
13 When she woke , her husband had gone and outside she could hear horses in the street .
14 St Tropez was known for its beaches , and normally she could spend hours just soaking up the sun and watching the other people parading , but she felt too unsettled to do much more than lie on her towel , playing aimlessly with the sand and trying to convince herself that she did not want anything more out of Piers than he was prepared to give her .
15 Already they could see students in duffle coats , laughing and talking .
16 Outside he could hear children shouting on the lake .
17 Yeah , yesterday I could smell things first time for ages and ages !
18 It was the most mature of his symphonies so far , and it shows how quickly he could assimilate aspects of national style , such as in the brilliant arpeggio passage which opens it — the famous ‘ premier coup d'archet ’ ( opening bow stroke ) of which the French were particularly proud .
19 Now I could plan excursions to Rome , Florence , Venice and yes , Milan , and study Luini 's work at first hand .
20 And in the pitch black , it seemed she had some sort of body after all ; distantly she could sense hands feeling their way , feet stumbling .
21 Her brief confusion at his sudden rejection of her had evaporated ; now she could see things very clearly indeed , and the hot flush of embarrassment washed over her .
22 Now she could see shapes beneath the water ; now there were three , no here came another one — four — silvery fish dancing in mid-air on her line .
23 Now we could hear nightingales again , singing against each other in the woodland scrub .
24 From behind he could hear horses whinneying , brakes applied , a crash and splintering wood .
25 Now he could imagine children being frightened of it .
26 Alternatively you could buy tickets costing 5 ( including buffet and entertainment ) from the following :
27 Several years ago they could offer mortgages at an interest rate of roughly 4% , fixed for an initial period of four years .
28 Equally it could signal obstructions and contradictions of a more frustrating sort .
29 Maybe I could open clothes shops in Poland , who knows ?
30 You work it out in stages , little bits , and then you add the bits together and then you add the bits together , so you say , well I could do a hundred times seventeen and then I could do ones times seventeen .
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