Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] would [vb infin] him " in BNC.

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1 like that , only I would like him to get this
2 Perhaps she would visit him .
3 So who would say him nay ?
4 We correctly anticipated how much we would miss him , but the manner of his passing became him well .
5 At a lunch party celebrating Colin 's ninetieth birthday , Mr Getty arrived half an hour late with the ingenuous excuse that he had miscalculated how long it would take him to walk from the Ritz to Boodles Club in St James 's Street .
6 I wondered how long it would take him , and whether Diggs would now have to go shouting through the town , warning that the mad boy who set fire to dogs was on the loose again ; lock up your hounds !
7 Scanlon 's successor as President of the Engineers ' Union , Terry Duffy , was , in fact , a strongly right-wing figure anxious to reach an accommodation with the government , but naturally it would take him time to build up his authority .
8 Beardsley , meanwhile , produced a performance of such craft , guile and wisdom that it could yet make him the saviour of England manager Graham Taylor — if only he would pick him .
9 So it would take him , in my view , at least three or four months to get 100 hours night flying .
10 I told Eric to expect me ; somehow I would let him know the date by way of one of the contadini who were helping him .
11 Tonight she would tell him everything .
12 She was happy to wait for him , certain that soon she would see him riding towards her .
13 One day soon she would see him for the last time .
14 When finally they would carry him no more , he ducked into a doorway and sank on to his bottom , breathing heavily .
15 She was keeping her promise to herself , but in her heart of hearts Tess knew that eventually she would accept him .
16 He knew that they came from two different worlds , but still nothing would deter him .
17 If he moved they would see him ; if he stayed still they would find him .
18 If he was taking a man home he would keep him waiting while he did this .
19 Well , now she would upset him further .
20 Often she would leave him unkissed at the Rectory gate and forget to wave when she went inside the house .
21 He said it would just be until I got myself sorted out , and then I would get him back straight away .
22 Maybe the couple would kiss more frequently or hold hands in the street , or maybe she would make him supper when the children were in bed .
23 Sometimes she would give him money on the sly and he would help her with chores .
24 He 'd put his elbow up slightly as he took the bag from her because sometimes she would clout him with it .
25 But perhaps he would come by another route and then she would miss him .
26 One day he would make a mistake , then she would have him .
27 And when she had gleaned every detail … why then they would have him , would n't they ?
28 Maybe it would shut him up for a while .
29 there 's a big bus somewhere near I 'd drop him and then it would run him over
30 In the meantime , maybe he would offer him the girl , the lookalike .
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