Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] was [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I wondered which had come first , the chill and disenchantment of her worldly sophistication , or the lack of warmth in her son : and perhaps there was ice in both of them , and the one had reinforced the other .
2 Suddenly there was movement in the hallway ; whispering voices and soft footsteps .
3 Suddenly there was anger in his voice .
4 Suddenly there was fear in his eyes .
5 Obviously there was money in rags .
6 Outside there was snow in the wind and the temperature was dropping .
7 Meanwhile there was comment in the Sunday Times about Pearson 's standing to benefit from a large pension fund surplus at Thames TV , such surpluses being a controversial issue in company accounting and takeovers .
8 Meanwhile there was pandemonium in the kitchen .
9 Thereafter there was silence in the dining-room .
10 In ten years the city had risen , phoenix-like , from the ashes ; in five more it was leader in the Italian economic miracle .
11 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
12 They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful railway journey and for the second time in three months Cam walked along the dock wall looking for the Langdale ; but now there was confidence in his stride and eagerness in his face .
13 Well she was Dave in lesson time apparently .
14 Five hundred million years ago there was life in the sea but none on the land .
15 Everywhere there was blood in his memories , and now he was drinking it himself .
16 If he was prepared to fight the Old Man on it as well as one of his juniors , then there was muscle in the man he had never before recognized .
17 Then there was trouble in Netherfield Road , round where the Orange bands were .
18 Then there was silence in the room again .
19 Then almost abruptly there was colour in the stone , too , a warmth of sleeping gold gleaming through the grey .
20 Of a sudden , for Yeremi at least there was law in his surroundings .
21 Indeed it was runner-up in the European Car of the Year Award , which is only right because it looks and feels like a European car .
22 He wrote to Sheldon , ‘ My folly and forwardness hath wrought my trouble ; but yet there was zeal in it , and I thought there was much reason , and I am sure I intended piously , and there are very many that still do think so . ’
23 Doubtless there was discussion in the teachers ' common room about which sister the latest Spencer recruit to Poplar class would emulate , Sarah or Jane .
24 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
25 Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
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