Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] go [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Lastly they went down the main staircase to the Director s office .
2 The further we went up the Nile , the more the river seemed to express some awful ambivalence .
3 Quickly he went down the ladder , crossed the kitchen and snatched up the top one of a pile of washed sacks from behind the kitchen door .
4 Occasionally and inevitably they go over the top — but that 's in the nature of risk .
5 Day 18 ) Years ago I went down the Canyon with the World 's Greatest Rafter .
6 Well he 'd go , er we lived at this t time in Road , well you went up the top of Road and then you were across and on into Forrest .
7 Here we go round the prickly pear
8 Here we go round the prickly pear
9 The song ‘ Here we go round the mulberry bush ’ reflects this ( though an alternative theory holds that a mulberry tree was often planted in prison exercise yards , and inmates recited the rhyme as they walked round it ) .
10 Here we go round the mulberry bush
11 Here we go round the mulberry bush
12 Yeah , well they well they go up the Legion and have a couple of pints , go to the bookie and put some horses on , go home and sit in front of the telly watching horses like .
13 And then I goes up the shute .
14 I 'm scared that sometimes I go over the top with too many solos in the one song , but I try and keep them as simple as I can .
15 I never been round there I went up the other .
16 Then you go over the seat and hang off the inside , but you still keep a lot of weight on that outside peg and you put on some more if the tyre starts really sliding . ’
17 You go round through Maria 's gate then you go down the back and behind that little pole there
18 Later , in the chapel adjoining the castle , Father Jerome said Benediction and prayed for Sara and the life that lay before her ; and then she went up the narrow staircase to her bed and , when Candida had helped her to undress , stood a while longer at her window , looking through the narrow slit at the lights in the harbour and the dark , massive mountains behind .
19 Then she went down the branch line to Port Penrhyn .
20 Sometimes we go down the Salisbury Road
21 just got into Wales and we camped on that flat land and then we went up the riv , oh we 've got it on the
22 So I , I erm , I had a lovely walk through there , and then we went out the other side of it , and it 's Highgate Cemetery .
23 But sometimes they go over the top with tricks to get you to buy .
24 And he was shouting back to him , but , and then they went up the stair and they called up the stair and I and I do n't know whether it was an affair , the fella that was screaming but he him a mouthful !
25 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
26 There they go along the street … not Jocks though … wrong sort of …
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