Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] have [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 I consider how successfully I have melted into the background recently .
2 The only window open was at the back , so I had to break into my own house through there , I managed it .
3 Or perhaps I should just wait here — perhaps someone 's gone into town to look for me and will come back eventually — ’
4 Obviously she had walked into some sort of a secret and Felipe was not at all amused by the fact .
5 Quite suddenly we had driven into soft , damp sand , grey and treacherous .
6 A hundred horses had already taken the fence — only one had got into difficulty
7 ‘ Or perhaps we 've strayed into a black hole , ’ Philip Swallow continues , evidently enchanted with his flight of astronomical fancy .
8 Perhaps he had run into a pensioners ' outing .
9 Meanwhile I 've walked into the Ops Room to find the Ops Officer with his feet on his desk eating Smarties , thinking about an Op order he is due to write .
10 Somehow she had to get into grown-up territory .
11 She did n't know how she was going to do it , but somehow she had to get into conversation with her .
12 Already we have moved into a darker , more specific and personal mood which is strengthened by the last chapter where the listener is brought closer to the poet to provide comfort for all the losses he has endured .
13 He did not resume his role as a major lender until after 1689 but meanwhile he had blossomed into a Kentish landowner and re-entered Parliament .
14 So it does n't matter whether we look at it as whether you 'd get a third or whether you say you 'd get two sixths well it does n't matter cos it 's the same size it 's just it 's cut into two pieces or the way you wanted to do it which was a good way with the first pizza .
15 Later they had deteriorated into wild , unruly free-fights for bullies , in which any violence was allowed and often the losers were killed .
16 Seconds later he 'd leapt into car with the kids , his bare torso on someone 's lap on the front seat .
17 Now you 've flowered into a beauty ,
18 She was ignoring it because now she had to steer into the black mouth of the shell and right down its throat .
19 Each day so far we 'd driven into the left rough and finished up taking bogey-fives .
20 Now we 've gone into reverse . ’
21 Now we have to go into the Germany game next weekend and build on what we have achieved against Brazil . ’
22 So often we have fallen into the trap of jealousy because we have judged other people , or even ourselves or our situation .
23 I 'm sure though they have to go into primary .
24 Often they have degenerated into bullying harangues for harder work and more discipline from Mr Ceausescu or , occasionally , his wife .
25 Now he had fallen into a trap which the greenest copper would have avoided .
26 where corporate information is revealed legitimately to an underwriter , accountant , lawyer , or consultant working for the corporation , these outsiders may become fiduciaries of the shareholders … [ they do not actively solicit or acquire inside information ] but rather they have entered into a special confidential relationship in the conduct of the business of the enterprise and are given access to information solely for corporate purposes .
27 We 've had a good living out of it but if that same system has brought them on their feet , you know and built them nice homes er right they 've delved into Company 's House now , all the dirty water not dirty water all the whatsit has come up how much they 've drawn from these quarries .
28 Well I 've run into a spot of bother .
29 Well my Molly has just dug a hole so deep she 's got into next door 's garden fetch the Springer Spaniel from next door and brought it home to play with .
30 Nowadays we have to take into account what the NCC says , and the local and naturalist considerations . ’
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