Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] in a " in BNC.

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1 10 October , 1903 RAYMOND ASQUITH writes to Lady Manners from Aberdeenshire : ‘ We had a storm yesterday and went out to watch the waves : I ventured too far out onto a rock and was knocked flat on my face against a granite floor by one of the biggest rollers ever seen on this coast : I never felt such a blow ; luckily I fell in a crevice and was n't washed away ; but I was stunned for a few seconds , and when I got up my face and knee were streaming with blood .
2 So I advertised in a newspaper for a job as a governess .
3 So I slept in a little damp attic room which smelt of apples , my head not very far away from the dream-troubled heads of Shelley and his mistress .
4 and , and stuff like that so I mean in a sense you 're by now a fairly good judge of the way to go about this sort of thing , you 're a fairly good judge of what sort of things are important , perhaps the way in which people describe stuff and , and , you know , words , concepts , vocabularies erm all that kind of thing which obviously it helps if your questionnaire fits in with
5 so they had like an hour break so I spent in a room .
6 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
7 At 4 o'clock I posed in a flower-decked kiosk wearing Amy 's brand-new Marks and Spencer 's floral cotton and an awful lot of Elizabeth Arden 's Flawless Finish .
8 So she waited in a quiet part of the street until people began to stream out of church .
9 So you go in a tell them that six windows are gon na cost them four and a half thousand and they go
10 So you go in a plane ?
11 Nor do all who participate in a joint enterprise agree to its occurrence .
12 And when they were inside she said in a different voice , ‘ What is going on between you and that girl ? ’
13 He started to move , slowly at first and then faster in response to her pleas , and then suddenly everything disintegrated in a wild starburst of colour and sensation that left her shaken and helpless in his arms .
14 No we 're going to erm Horsham for the Christmas party , the works Christmas party and erm , the hotel where Rob stopped at last time when he was down in Horsham , that 's where they 're doing Christmas party this year , so we obviously we staying in a double room
15 So we put in a bid for equipment , software and a person .
16 Anne and Chris did n't want to return full time to stressful teaching jobs when their maternity leave ended , so together they sent in a joint application for a full-time position with a covering letter pointing out the benefits of job sharing , and the way they could organize their week and their timetable .
17 So everybody put in a general key .
18 Basically it consists in a failure in the ego by means of which inner , subjective sensations become confused with those originating in the outside world — an observation which reveals how close projection is to thoroughgoing hallucination ( with which it is , of course , frequently allied in paranoia ) .
19 Perhaps he lived in a cage like this .
20 Obviously he behaved in a highly suspicious manner today , but a guilty conscience can inspire one to do strange things .
21 He concluded the dance with a double spin , springing sideways in the air and kicking his feet sharply together and as he did so he landed in a heap on the bed .
22 So he gets in a cab , he 's got nothing , he just gets in a cab and he goes , he 's sitting , sit sitting in the cab and the man goes what 's the matter ?
23 She did not say anything more so he added in a real voice and proper words , ‘ Delia , I have to . ’
24 Because of a longstanding health condition , her father was not considered physically suitable for the armed forces and so he worked in a munitions factory not too far from their home .
25 Like everyone else in this market , IBM is trying to make it easy for small sites to install so it comes in a wide variety of fixed configurations that encompass various Token Ring , Ethernet wide area network and SDLC attached devices .
26 Thus it nestles in a hollow with the Wolds rising to the north .
27 This is , of course , just what happens in a real tree .
28 Nancy Stewart tells you exactly what to do in a life-threatening situation
29 Not even Europe 's governing body knows exactly what happened in a Russian League game involving Dinamo Moscow that earned him such a heavy punishment .
30 Because they are made of protein they are rapidly inactivated at temperatures over 50°C and certainly boiling would render any you put in a carp bait totally inactive .
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